sick anemone

  1. Elijah F

    What's wrong with my macroalgae tank?

    I've been having a rough time with my 20g tank for a while now; all the macroalgae are growing great, and the fish are still healthy despite the ich/lympho/? they arrived with. However the corals and rfa I got a few months ago aren't doing too well, and the water has been perpetually cloudy...
  2. F

    LTA looks terrible

    Hi! I’ve been a member a while but never posted. Honestly been a little nervous for the comments, but I’m desperate. So I’m completely new to salt water tanks. My mother in law got my 4 year old a fluval evo 13.5 for his birthday. She promised my LFS would service every two weeks and we could...
  3. true perculas

    New gigantea anemone

    Picked up a sick gigantea from a petco on sale. Have it in qt right now and have started Cipro. Here is yesterday at the store and today day one of treatment. I’ll try to post daily updates on how it does
  4. Doglips56

    EMERGENCY Tank crash

    Hi all. Completely stumped here. Tank was perfectly ok, everything alive and well. 40B with sump. 2 RBTA’S, lots of snails/crabs, 2 clowns and a naso tang. Put in a brand new Jeboa wave pump yesterday right out of the box. Maybe I should’ve cleaned it first with RODI and vinegar but I...
  5. Singspot

    Large RFA died and a large BTA unhappy - treat or remove or focus on overall tank health?

    Large RFA died and a large BTA unhappy - treat or remove or focus on overall tank health?
  6. E

    Need help from a BTA expert

    long story short. I was gifted this beautiful BTA when my tank was only a month old (his name is Rubble.) It somehow managed to survive every cycle crash, salinity swings, nitrates sky high, being hand fed HUGE pieces of Krill shrimp 3x a day… The works. We are about 5 months into our journey...
  7. BelleReef

    Almost Dead BTA treatment progress

    My first rainbow BTA started out beautiful, but quickly declined over 2 weeks to the point where it was barely attached to a rock. I decided to treat him with ciprofloxacin according to @OrionN protocol (link below). Cipro treatment for anemones is hotly debated, so I’m going to post it’s...
  8. kkircher

    CSB won’t hold onto rock

    A couple of weeks ago I purchased a CSB online. Although small. It looked healthy on arrival. I allowed it to sit in an acclimation box in the tank for a few days and then when looked like it was adjusted I put it on a rock with lots of holes and things to grab on. Of course I expected it to...
  9. E

    Sick Anemone?

    Hi, I was hoping for some advice. I bought an LTA a around 8 months ago from a fish shop. He was in a bad way (very bleached and closed up). With some tender loving care and eventually hosting my two clown fish, he started to thrive. His colour was great, he dug himself into the sand and I had...
  10. chadfish

    Is my RBTA sick? Help

    Not sure what happened. My nem was super happy after I switched to more powerful lights- flow hasn’t changed much. He was in the same spot for almost 6 months and now he’s moved almost to the sand bed and looks… deflated? The only thing that’s really changed is that the clownfish finally found...
  11. J

    BTA not looking good

    Hello, I got my first BTA about a month ago. It was looking great, but then decided to move around the tank a bit, and slowly started getting smaller and contracted. It still is sticking to the rock, and moved to the front side of my rock overnight. But it has been looking like this during the...
  12. nanonøkk

    anemone bacterial infection

    ok so i may have evidence of my anemone having a bacterial infection it’s not opening up as much as it used to and it’s really dimmed in color so i’m wondering dose it have to be treated or should i leave it be and see if it recovers on it’s own or should i feed it something and here’s some...
  13. nanonøkk

    anemone shrinking and getting darker

    ok so this anemone has been through some stuff it used to shrink up every single night and looked like it was dying but it looked really light but now it looks to be shrinking and getting darker in color 1 picture is of it now 2 picture is what it looked like a bit ago when it first moved i...
  14. nanonøkk

    somethings wrong with my nem

    ok so i’ve had a lot of problems with my nem and it was going ok until today. so this morning my tank lights turned on as normal same time but i looked at my nem and i saw something different it looked like the first picture and i was like ok that’s a little strange but i think it’s just had a...
  15. nanonøkk

    is my nem dying

    ok so for the past week i had my nem he started off fine then i started dosing peroxide at night again. he would shrink up and look like the first picture. then he would open back up and look like the second picture in the morning. so as i was on here i was told not to feed it so i didn’t feed...
  16. nanonøkk

    so i had no idea hydrogen peroxide kills anemones

    so i just found out what was bothering my anemone and it was hydrogen peroxide and i’m wondering on what are the chances of it’s survival i’ll post pictures of the days and what it looks like through the three days that i figured out it was the hydrogen peroxide so here’s a picture of it the...
  17. nanonøkk

    is my anemone dying

    ok so i have an anemone in my tank it’s been in the tank for 4 days it eats healthy and everything but my question is that at night why has it been shrinking up with it’s mouth open because in the morning it is looking happy and puffed up and i feed it little scraps of food that i feed...
  18. M

    Anemone urgent

    Hello everyone, I recently purchased a BTA and the first day it seemed to do well other than not being able to find a place it likes. It was upside down hanging on my live rock for a day but then fell into the sand. His tentacles are still puffy and he seemed happy until today when i came home...
  19. AceShadow_Reefer

    Help me save this Elite Reef Colorado Sunburst

    Hey all, A while back I made the mistake of purchasing a Colorado Sunburst BTA... Here's the story: (if you wanna skip straight to my struggle go right to the end) I was excited. I had a very successful nano softy tank with 2 clowns and I was driving home with my very first anemone... A...
  20. AceShadow_Reefer

    Colorado Sunburst Anemone Problem!!

    Hey guys, I'm new here so it's cool to meet you all. I'm posting this today because I noticed my poor Colorado Sunburst BTA is starting to look really strange... Never seen a nem look like it before. It almost looks as though it's withering. The tentacles look almost flat!! This occurred after...
  21. M

    Please help identify bubble tip behavior

    Hi Everyone I just got my bubble tip anemone about two weeks ago and while taking out out of the bag I noticed it was more of a heart shaped figure. I didn’t think anything of it and acclimated to my aquarium for an hour. In my tank, I've noticed that it has a dark line the color of purple...
  22. BabyShark

    Dead rock flower anemone

    I’ve had a few rock flower anemones for a while and they’ve been doing great in my tank. I recently got a new one from a company that’s been giving me trouble last week and it appears to not be doing so good. What are signs that a rock flower anemone is dead? Also what steps should I take if it...
  23. J

    Sick anemone

    Does anyone know what’s wrong with my magnifica anemone? It’s started slipping frown the the bottom of the tank and has moved on top of some of my coral and looks like this
Queen City Corals