
  1. X

    EMERGENCY Clown fish white spots on blue light?

    Hi guys! Today I noticed these tiny white spots on my clownfish, is kind of weird cause it only looks like that under blue light, just wondering if you could give me some advice on him (I am new in this hobby just started this year), he is swimming normally and not acting weird at all. I do...
  2. joe_sharkk

    EMERGENCY Sick Marine betta

    Hello, I have been searching nonstop for anything regarding sick marine bettas and I just keep finding that they basically just “never get sick.” mine has been doing great for months. Eats great (I feed him live feeder ghost shrimp) and is one of my favorite fish. He’s recently stopped eating...
  3. Z

    Fire fish issues

    Hello! I currently have a fire fish that is either swimming vertically (nose down) or on its side. It has no external symptoms (curves, lumps, etc). It is in QT tank with a blue tang, clown fish, watchman goby, and skunkback. The reason for the QT is the blue tang had velvet so I took...
  4. X

    EMERGENCY Sik Clownfish?

    Hi! My clownfish has been acting a bit weird he is just parking in one corner of the tank, time to time, he swims to the bottom or the top of the tank in that same corner, he is eating well, and he is not having any trouble breathing, does not have any visible ich or velvet. But I don't know I...
  5. maurice-io

    Is my clownfish dying? How can I help it do better?

    Hi, this is my first saltwater fish (1 of 2 clownfish), and it doesn't seem to be doing well. There's a white "flake" coming out of its side/gill, and it's breathing hard from its mouth. See video below. Can someone please help me figure out what it is and how I can treat it?? See the white...
  6. scottp14


    Hi I am new to the saltwater hobby. I have a had my pair of gold nugget maroon clowns for about a year now and they have seemed to be healthy up until today. My male clown if sitting on the bottom of the tank not moving, not eating and is breathing heavy. The female is very active breathing...
  7. Afkomjorgen

    Help! Anemone looking really deflated

    Noticed last night that she didn’t look herself. She’s showing her mouth a lot and is going back and forth between being very deflated and deflated. also noticed some other corals are unhappy this week (lps specific) so may be parameters?? I did directly feed her for the first time in a long...
  8. S

    Mysterious Fish Deaths

    Hello. I have a newly set up tank and started with a filefish. He was doing well for about a month and then we added two clownfish. The tank is 26 gallons. The filefish mysteriously disappeared. Mind you the ammonia and nitrite had been zero before we put the fish in. Two days later one of the...
  9. altantuyaathedoll

    EMERGENCY Fish in qt starting to become sick and clueless of diagnosis

    blue tang died as I’m writing this And coral beauty showing severe decaying flesh Fish have what looks to be bites taken out of their tails I have started melafix today. What treatment should I be using ? What is their disease ? any information will be helpful !
  10. A

    EMERGENCY Sick clownfish?

    new tank and my clown fish did fine for the first day and day two they started to lay on their side and breath super heavy and not move around to much and will not eat I don’t know what’s wrong but I don’t want to lose him I already lost my other due to the same problem I checked my water it all...
  11. th365thli

    New Flame Angel staying in one spot

    I recently got a dwarf flame from an LFS. It initially explored my 65 gallon but since then has been staying in a specific "cave". It might venture out a little bit but otherwise just kinda hangs there. It also isn't really eating. I don't see spots or anything and the lfs copper treats it's...
  12. Linoss17

    EMERGENCY Fish sick?

    I just purchased these two clownfish but I noticed on one of them a little discoloration I’m new to the hobby and I’m not sure if it’s discoloration or the color of the clownfish it seems only one fish has it. Does it look like anything to you guys?
  13. K

    Yellow Tang Woes

    Good afternoon, Quick synopsis…mature reef, 65 gal 1.025 Nitrate 5 Phos .8 Alk 9.5 Cal 500 Mg 1470 pH 8.1-8.3 Tank been running for 6 years Running Modified Moonshiners 1000ml kalk I’ve had the yellow tang for well over a year. Quite healthy or so I thought. Wife noticed ‘white dust’ on him...
  14. J

    Prolapse on Porcupine Puffer

    Hello everyone, it's me again, you may recognize my name as I have been having a lot of fish related bad luck this past week with 1 fish dying and 2 more becoming ill, all-in different tanks. I was on the forum yesterday and today to get to the bottom of my sick snowflake eel who I suspect has...
  15. J

    1 week old Banded Bamboo Shark NOT EATING

    Hello, My name is Jeff. I am new to this forum. I currently have a 250 gallon, 75 gallon, 55 gallon, 35 gallon, and 10 gallon aquarium, all saltwater. This post is about my new 1 week old baby bamboo shark. For some background I want to put out there that I have a lot of experience with sharks...

    Sinularia issue, base cracked,

    So I had a 4 or 5 finger staulk 8 inch to 9 " long happy sinularia? Green. For a year. About 3 weeks ago, it started retracting. I had moved it away from an anemonee that was bothering it. I figured it would be fine. But now i notice a "tear"? In base and black stuff? And it has been...
  17. chemicals

    Cleaner shrimp acting sick/weird

    Hi, 4 days ago one of my cleaner shrimp suddenly died. I noticed that he lost appetite but didn’t think much of it. 1 day later I found him death between two rocks. Didn’t really see a cause of death on the little corpse. Then 2 days ago the other shrimp started to act the same. He seems really...
  18. B

    Cloudy clown eyes?

    So I have a clown pair. The females eyes look kinda cloudy on the top and maybe a little puffy? But her appetite is very good. Comes to the glass when I come by, seems to to react well, and overall seems healthy. But I wanted other peoples opinions. She's been in my tank for around 4 months. And...
  19. Martiantomars

    Seahorse Help !

    Have had a pair of seahorse now for about a month and half, both were doing well until recently the male started thrashing and scratching pretty bad, figured parasites so, did a freshwater dip with him for 8 mins about how long till he starts to bounce back if he will and when should I do a...
  20. R

    EMERGENCY Blue tang sick.

    Hello guys, I notice my blue tang has some strange spots on the left site, the right side is ok. And his belly looks wrinkly on that side. What do you think it is? He is acting normal, eating a lot, maybe, it’s hiding a little more from normal.
  21. AwesomeAquatics

    HELP! mystery circle mark on my fox face

    These showed up today and I’m not sure what it is. He is still eating like a pig and seems fine. It lives with a yellow eye kole tang which could have gotten him or it could be some kind of disease or infection I’m not sure.
  22. A

    i have no clue whats killing my fish.

    i added some green chromis stupidly to my tank without quarantine and my coral beauty angel randomly died i didnt take a picture of the body but she had a very apparent wound running from the top of her head down to her front bottom fins, it was a perfectly straight wound. ive been reading it...
  23. F

    Help please

    I had a fish that had trouble swimming. When she passed it seem like my other fish got what she had. both of their symptoms are trouble keeping afloat and breathing fast. She is not eating much. I think it's a parasite that passed on when the other fish died. I don't know what i should do. Any...
  24. Danielsj

    Sudden Deaths

    Hey guys so i have just lost both of my clowns today. I have had them for about 2,5 months and they have been thriving eating and not showing any signs of sickness at any point until today. So this morning when i got up my smallest clown was laying on the sand breathing heavy, i fed the tank to...
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