
  1. bayisland

    Shy Firefish—should I continue spot feeding?

    I have an exquisite firefish who is spending his entire day in his little cave because my bristletooth Tomini tang is bullying him. He used to come out for feeding time, but lately I’ve started spot feeding into his cave because he stopped coming out at feeding. This can’t go on forever because...
  2. Azfarsh

    EMERGENCY Clam Won’t Open

    We have a couple saltwater tanks set up for a couple years now. But about a week ago, we recused a large amount of coral, a clam, and an eel. But the clam seems to not want to open all the way. We have all the coral and the clam in our rescue tank and everyone else seems to be doing fine. Any...
  3. T

    Shy Tomini Tang

    I've recently gotten a shy new tomini tang from diver's den. I have a 29 gallon quarantine tank but there had been an incident with my pair of captive bred mandarins. I had gotten a pair about a week or so before but my male was missing his right pectoral fin and was very small and thin ( I...
  4. Peach02

    Shy Blood Shrimp

    So 6 days ago I bought a blood red fire shrimp, acclimated it for 90 minutes and added it to my display (I didn't QT as it had been at my LFS for a month showing no problems and was eating well) Its eating when I feed the tank and found itself a cave that it never strays a inch from. Does anyone...
  5. G

    Yellow Tang - Need Advice

    Hey guys, I recently splurged and dropped over $200 on a beautiful yellow tang! He's currently in a 55 gallon, but hes small, and will be transferred to a 105g + when large enough. He was in a QT tank with Ich at the LFS about a month before I bought him, so they treated him and QT'd for me...
  6. G

    Yellow Tang - Need Advice

    Hey guys, I recently splurged and dropped over $200 on a beautiful yellow tang! He's currently in a 55 gallon, but hes small, and will be transferred to a 105g + when large enough. He was in a QT tank with Ich at the LFS about a month before I bought him, so they treated him and QT'd for me...
  7. OrokuSaki84

    Shy Fish Issues - Causes?

    Hey all! First post after getting back into the reef tank game over the winter. Be gentle! I have a 40 gallon mixed reef set up, currently 3 fish none of which like to come out much unless I'm feeding them. I have 2 percula clowns and a royal gramma. I don't expect the gramma to be out and...
  8. Slyler

    Shy Fish

    Looking for a little help with my shy fish. I had them set up in a 72 gallon and the they would come out to meet me all the time. My Blue tang would follow me up and down the tank. If I took my phone out for pictures he would try and get in the way and always wanted his picture taken. The...
Tenecor Aquariums