
  1. Yerxi

    Problems with Bubble Tip Anemone

    I have 2 rose BTA in a tank and one of them isn’t doing so hot. I’ve tried giving him clam meat and shrimps, I believe he’s only eaten a small bit of shrimp but it sits on top of him for quite a while so I could’ve missed if a hermit or emerald crab just stole it instead. He had tiny clear worm...
  2. E

    Coral Shrinking and Splitting: Brain / Candy cane / Torch

    URGENT: Coral Shrinking and Splitting: Brain / Candy cane / Torch Parameter: kh:8 pH: 8.0 NH3: 0ppm NO3: 0.35ppm NO2: 0ppm PO4: 0.4ppm Temperature: around 80 F Tank volume: 13.5 gallon Creatures density: 1 jawfish, 1 small clownfish, 2 pompom crabs, 4 snails, 2 anemones. Hi everyone, I have...
  3. S

    EMERGENCY Bubble tip anemone question

    Hello, I'm new to the community but have read countless posts on the site. I made an account for this question. I started an anemone only tank 5 months ago. It's a fiji cube 76 gallon shallow, 48x24x16. I purchased a kessil ap9x for lighting, cycled the tank properly, tested the water weekly...
  4. Bavis Bucatini

    Shrinking Condylactis Anemone

    I’m not sure what’s wrong but I introduce the condo locked us to the tank yesterday it’s shrunken to about two 1/4 of it size! Everything seems fine elsewhere in the tank.
  5. E

    Hammer coral won’t open

    So I have had this hammer coral for about a little less than two months, I had to rearrange my tank because I had to install a overflow for my sump about a week after that my hammer started not opening all the way and it looks like his polyps might be shrinking, I have already lost another...