shrimp goby

  1. R

    Adding a shrimp & goby pair to a tank with another shrimp?

    Hi, i had a 20G tank and a shrimp and goby pair, but the goby recently jumped after moving tank and not having a lid :disappointed-face: My LFS dont sell shrimp goby on its own. Do you think i can add another pair or one shrimp would get killed? Theres only one big tunnel in my tank so likely...
  2. FishDaddy1992

    Pistol Shrimp and goby pair

    I have a tiger pistol shrimp that lost the yellow watchman when I brought them home several months ago. I am wanting to get a new goby for my shrimp. My shrimp is fully grown or very close to being fully grown. What other goby's can I put with the shrimp and what size does it need to be? MY LFS...
  3. Reevak

    Goby & Non-Pistol Shrimp Combo?

    I keep watching videos on gobies and pistol shrimp where they mention that there are many species of gobies and shrimp that pair but only some pair with pistol shrimp, yet I can't seem to find any information on goby and shrimp symbiosis without it being a pistol shrimp. Does anyone know of any...
  4. InvertGang

    Easy to Feed Shrimp Goby

    Hello! I'm planning on getting a candy stripe pistol shrimp and a shrimp goby to pair with it. I've been doing some research on different types of shrimp goby and I'm trying to find one to pair with it once I get it. I have a Fluval Evo 13.5 with a deep sand bed with no modifications (yet)...
  5. L

    just one more?

    i have an infamous 20 gal cube with a flasher wrasse(temporarily i promise, and he is healthy with good weight and no deformity), a mandarin dragonet and a masked goby. could i add another fish like a small blenny(tail spot, two spot, pictus), shrimp goby(randall, yasha, yellow)or a spriger...
  6. Muffin87

    How essential is sand to these three gobies?

    Hello, I'm in the process of stocking my 50G bare bottom. I was thinking of adding one or more of these three gobies, depending of their availability. I hear they're pretty tolerant of each other. Pinkbar goby (Amblyeleotris Aurora) - [located] Orange Stripe Prawn Goby (Amblyeleotris Randalli)...
  7. Schwartzy

    Pistol Shrimp Cleaning Watchman Goby

    Okay guys, this is my first post so bear with me... I noticed something interesting in the tank tonight. I saw my yellow watchman goby hanging around the main burrow of my red banded pistol shrimp. This was moderately exciting because they haven't paired yet. (The goby has been hanging out on...