shrimp compatability

  1. hisuzeq

    Any Compatibility Red Flags Here?

    Tank Currently: 1 two-spot goby 2 anemones (+snails, hermits, & an emerald crab) Tank Goals: 2 clowns 2 red firefish gobies (heard they need to be a pair?) 2 mandarin gobies 1 pistol shrimp 1 watchman goby 1 other shrimp? (sexy / fire?) Pressing question - would an orchid dottyback be a...
  2. #R_TST

    ADVISE? stocking 32.5gal Fluval Flex

    Noob here. I’m doing my fish planning while I wait for my tank to arrive this week. I want to make sure I have decided on my livestock so I can be sure to take their habitats into consideration when I build my rock formation and start cycling my tank. Getting the 32.5 gallon Fluval Flex and...
  3. vgliha

    I Think My Coral Shrimp is Broken

    I have a Banded Coral Shrimp that I inherited with a tank I purchased. It also came with a Yellow Tang. The Tang swims up to the Shrimp all the time BEGGING for a cleaning. The Tag turns sideways and tries to get close. The shrimp wants absolutely nothing to do with the Tang and will respond...
  4. MrDeathKills

    Some questions about information on fish.

    Thank you first off for reading and your possible help in this situation! I am getting a 125gal set up. Right now just going over some fish just so I can have a mock plan for the future. Will not be getting any fish till at least 2 months or more from now, as I will be doing a very deep clean...
  5. Anchor

    Harlequin Shrimp compatibility AND

    SO, I have purchased a 75 gallon tank back in Dec 2018 and came with a whole bunch of problems. GHA, Oversized Leathers, poorly working equipment, etc. I have mitigated a lot of them but have a recent problem. Asterina starfish outbreak.... and am considering getting a Harlequin. I need to...