shrimp and wrasse

  1. J

    Peppermint Shrimps

    Do peppermint shrimps eat torches?
  2. Phlipper

    Lost all my shrimp. Help!

    Hey guys, so I got an infestation of flat worms, been trying to get rid of them but Then my nitrates we’re getting high. I lost both my blood shrimp and then I started doing water changes every 5 days or so. My nitrates have been next to zero but then my peppermint shrimp just died too. I’ve...
  3. Anchor

    Harlequin Shrimp compatibility AND

    SO, I have purchased a 75 gallon tank back in Dec 2018 and came with a whole bunch of problems. GHA, Oversized Leathers, poorly working equipment, etc. I have mitigated a lot of them but have a recent problem. Asterina starfish outbreak.... and am considering getting a Harlequin. I need to...