shell rot

  1. F

    Peacock Mantis Shell issue?

    Hi all. Disclaimer, this is not my personal mantis but it is the one we currently have at the LFS I work at. We’ve had it for a little while but today I noticed this spot on its back, is this shell rot? Something else? I’m gonna be bringing in a PVC burrow for it and am working with the...
  2. B

    Peacock Mantis lighting with Macros (and shell rot)

    Hi guys, Well, three days ago I was at my LFS and they had a 4" peacock mantis in stock. I had read up on them before and found them super fascinating so I made the impulse purchase. Before purchasing him, I talked to the owner for a while just to make sure I knew what I was getting myself...
  3. Zoolife xD

    Shell rot questions

    Hey I've got a gonodactylus chiragra that I picked up from a poor local store that had it in terrible conditions so I decided to rescue the little guy from them, anyway it has a small tan spot on the telson that I believe to be shell rot. I've done tons of research before and after purchasing...