shaving brush

  1. L

    Long Stringy Worms - Vermatid Snails?

    I've noticed alot of these white stringy worms flowing off my Shaving Brush Macroalgae. They seem to fit the description of Vermatid Snails, but I don't see any shell or body at the base–only little white specs. Could they be in a larval stage? Or something else? Also, is it irritating the...
  2. Lylelovett

    Considering Macroalgae: Green Finger, Shaving Brush, Mermaid's Fan?

    Hi all, So I thought it might be cool to add some macroalgae to my DT: green finger, shaving brush, or mermaid's fan... I have a 150g mixed reef tank. about 6mos old. This is my first reef tank. Looking at, those are the three I'm interested in...