
  1. harrysmarinelife

    California SPONSOR Livestock California Round Ray (Urobatis sp.) available now! ($39.99 shipping, free after $300)

    CALIFORNIA ROUND RAYS ARE IN STOCK! Size: Approz is 8" Price: $179.99 These stunning rays prefer colder temperature tanks (68 F to 75 F). Please handle with caution they are not debarbed. If you have any questions feel free to reach us at any of the sources found below! CLICK HERE TO...
  2. J

    1 week old Banded Bamboo Shark NOT EATING

    Hello, My name is Jeff. I am new to this forum. I currently have a 250 gallon, 75 gallon, 55 gallon, 35 gallon, and 10 gallon aquarium, all saltwater. This post is about my new 1 week old baby bamboo shark. For some background I want to put out there that I have a lot of experience with sharks...
  3. D

    New sharks for my tank

    The first sharks in my tank are a pair of brown banded bamboo and a pair of grey bamboo.
  4. J


    Ok so i have a shark egg i have hatched one in the past and got him eating after weeks of no eating i read that if you feed him before he has used up all of his yolk he will die and i waited for my first one now i am trying to decide after tbis one has no yolk sack do i eait for him to poop...
  5. jrwoltman

    Shark spotting rescue drones

    Very cool >2 minute BBC video on drones in Australia that spot sharks for swimmers and snorkelers and deploy inflatables to help stranded swimmers. It was awesome.
  6. MSB123

    Sharks, Rays? What?

    Hey everyone! I just got a custom tank- 5x5x1.5 I really want a shark or ray, I dont have to worry about when the get bigger- my local aquarium will take it. I really want something that will move around. I will either have a small layer of sand or a bare bottom- its a frag tank. (Yes i know, a...
  7. D

    Lots of questions???? All help appreciated.

    Ok, so let me start this off on the right foot here. I'm going to be new to the SW side of things and have millions of questions, but there is no way to ask them all now. A little bit about myself before I start asking questions. I have had multiple FW aquariums (from 10gal to 120gal) and am...
  8. Angelo Fatica

    Anyone Have Shark Tanks?

    I had to recently break my tank down and restart with the sand and water. I still have my live rock though. Im thinking about what I wanted to do with it once it was started up again, and thought of something I havent seen yet. I was planning on making a couple pillars with live rock and adding...