
  1. Perpetual Novice

    Jawfish and eel share burrow. Video

    I don’t know if this is a common occurrence but I noticed my white ribbon eel and pearly Jawfish sharing a burrow today. They seem to be very comfortable living together. Below is a short video I took. Sorry the tank is not looking it’s cleanest at the moment.
  2. Vivid Creative Aquatics

    The best R2R Member quotes!

    As a sponsor here on R2R I read a lot of forum posts and comments. Every once in while I come across a post or comment that hits me at just the right time. Sometimes it's a funny comment that makes me laugh or even a useful and timely bit of information. The R2R community is great for that kind...
  3. clownenthusiast2017

    Lets see Everyones Gobies!!!

    So I'm getting my pair of gobies in this week so I don't have a pic yet, but I'd love to see yours! Let's see your gobies! Happy Reefing!
  4. Dalton Hunter

    Let's see those RFA's!

    I want to see everyones Rock flower anemones! snap a photo and post em'!