
  1. Perpetual Novice

    When will my leopard wrasse change sex?

    I have two leopard wrasses 4 inch and 3 inch roughly. They both have the speckled female color pattern and look roughly the same except for size. They are active, eat well, and get along great. Usually they are within a foot of each other at any given time so they seem to prefer to swim and hunt...
  2. Moonfruit777

    Pompom crab male/female?

    Heyo, I got these awesome pompom/boxer crab. I wonder if it is a male or female crab - usually crabs have like a round or pointy shape on the belly but these seem kinda weird and I can't really tell. the shell pattern also seems to be different on them - idk if that is related to sex or just...
  3. PlanB

    Are all Blondes Female?

    I guess because I am a guy, that I want to believe my blonde tang is a female. However, I realize I may be making jerk of myself by assuming that that is the case - I mean she/he is such a beautiful creature. Can anyone fill me in on the intricacies of sex identification of our beloved fish?
  4. dcom

    Help identifying/sexing horsies

    Hi guys, Ive got these seahorses through a friend and I cant really tell if these are: - 1 male and 1 female (erectus/lined). - Or 1 Ingen and 1 reidi (not necessarily male and female). I've attached 2 photos of each. The overall body shape and specially their abdomens are very different. Does...
Reef Diaper