setting up new tank

  1. MmeAssoc

    Question about breaking in skimmer

    Hi all, I'm just setting up a new tank, and had a question about using skimmers. I understand they should be run for a week or so to 'break in', is that right? Currently my sump water is deeper than is recommended to operate the skimmer (for either a dry or wet skim). I've ordered a stand...
  2. Wagtribe

    Build Thread Upgrades to Waterbox 180.5

    Just putting the final touches on new Waterbox Pro 180.5, (LOL, like there’s such a thing as “final” on a Reef tank). The process of breaking down my 75g bow front tank just to move it less than 6’ away and set it back up to sustain my fish and coral was more of a task than I anticipated. Large...