sell fish

  1. M

    Selling REEFER XL 425 Aquarium System (88 GAL) - Red Sea

    I am not completely sure if this is the appropriate place to put this kind of post. So I apologize if I don’t have the correct forum etiquette. However, I am trying to sell a Red Sea XL 425 saltwater aquarium system (including all the varying sea life). The aquarium has been used for 2 years...
  2. lilithereefer

    tank sale!!!

    items for sale - ocellaris clownfish - 1 inch - gsp colony 5 inch by 6 inch - duncan - 5 heads - snails, banded coral shrimp, nad hermit crabs - bubble tip anemone (green) - 100 pounds of live rock location : nyc, if you want to buy anything you can dm me and i will send you the pricetag
  3. Mrnono2

    Selling Yellow Tang

    Hello, Located in Chicago. Looking to sell my yellow tang, clown trigger, and emperor angelfish. All are health and well fed! Noah
  4. clsbgirl

    Fish Sale

    Good news is that I just recently purchased a home, the bad news is that I am going to have to tear down my tank (I figured that it would make the move easier). I am only parting with my fish, my corals and all equipment I will be keeping because I want a new and improved bigger tank ;Smuggrin...
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