sebae anemone

  1. Porcupine Reefer

    VIPARSPECTRA 165W LED Aquarium Light and sea sebea anemone

    Saw this nice sized sebae anemone at a shop, thought about getting this guy for my 5 ft 125 gallon tank thats 2 feet deep. The tank light VIPARSPECTRA 165W LED Aquarium Light I have 2 of these, will they be good for sebae anemones? I also have a percula clownfish will they host it? And finally...
  2. Llyer

    Sebae Anemone question

    I bought a sebae anemone yesterday and he was moving around and flipping himself up side down. I read on here that it's not good for them so I righted him. But he moved again so I just let the little guy do his own thing. When I woke up this morning he was behind a rock upside down and...
  3. J2010701

    Sebae Anenome opens up at night?

    Just got a sebae anemone last week. It’s weird, in the mornings, when the room is dark, it’s fully expanded but throughout the day it closes up quite a bit. I lowered the intensity on my lights. Currently using Radions. Any idea what it could be? Tank is about 18 months old.
  4. P

    First sea anemone a sebae please help

    I got this Sebae anemone today about 12 hours ago, it is my first one. Is this normal for it to bunch up like a tomato? Thanks
  5. Afkomjorgen

    Sebae on the move, terracotta pot?

    Hello all, Last time I was at my LFS I may have gotten ahead of myself and purchased another anemone with some credit we had. I asked the LFS about care and was told the Sebae they had was easy care and would do well in my current set up. She’s been in our tank for 3 weeks and we’ve had to move...
  6. michelleb

    Sebae Anenome help feeding

    Hey guys. I just got a sebae Anenome 4 days ago in my 30 gal tank. I bought some krill and tried feeding it but he won’t take it. I don’t want him to die on me. What should I do? Thanks!
  7. JezAbella

    Hello Noobie

    Hello all. I'm new to the saltwater hobby. I started my 1st reef tank 4-5 months ago. Yesterday I added my first inhabitants: a mated pair of orange skunk clownfish, a sebae purple tip they're hosting, and a peppermint shrimp. I'm very worried about the sebae. I'm afraid his foot was damaged in...
  8. R

    Is my Sebae dying?

    I need some help with my Sebae. He has not seemed happy since I have bought him. I have had him for about a month now. Sunday he started to look really bad his mouth is open pretty wide. He is not loosing his color and he is still eating. It might just be stress but I would like some other...
  9. Sipec

    Sebae anenomes: how safe?

    I am considering getting a sebae in my new tank and am wondering how safe they are, I hear there's a risk of them eating fish but have seen people keep them with various fish Thoughts?

    Dying Anemone

    I Purchase this little guy about a week ago had a minute tank seem fine recently he has been shriveling up not eating and now a few of his testicles are turning white just wondering if this thing is dying so should I take it out immediately or what steps should I take to bring it back to its...
  11. Danh Ngo

    Anemone compatibility: Bta, Sebae vs S.Gig

    I'm currently having a Nem tank with around 17 BTA, 1 SRBTA, 2 Sebae. My question is I want to add a S.Gig ( small/medium), can I do that ? I know new nem will find its own spot to settle, will it kill my other nem? Most of the Btas are about 4 inches aboved the sandbed. Anyone have experiences...
  12. BlueWorldJeff

    Sebae in High Flow

    I just got a small sebae anemone. I put it in my 180g display tank that has two Tunze 6105 powerheads, a decent amount of flow. I created an area for it with three pieces of live rock in a square pattern with sand in the middle. Not sure if it moved or got blown by the flow, but now its in...
  13. Elgringodiablo

    Ideal Parameters for Different Types of Anemones?

    I'm interested in feedback on what parameters different types of anemones do best in, below are my parameters and personal experiences, I'd love to hear what other people have had success with: Salinity: 1.024-1.025 Temp: 78-79 PH: 8.15 - 8.35 KH: 8.2-9.0 CA: 410-450 MG: 1250-1350 PO: 0.02 -...
  14. WhiskeyCoffee

    I believe this photo of my anemone is NSFW...

    I'll never look at him the same.
  15. WhiskeyCoffee

    Is the mouth supposed to look like this?

    Came home and my 'nems mouth was wide open so I thought I'd try feeding it mysis shrimp for the first time. The tentacles kind of 'grabbed' the shrimp and pulled it in and I believe now it's slowly sucking the shrimp into its mouth. Does this look normal? :p
  16. WhiskeyCoffee

    Not sure what my sebae anemone is doing...

    So I picked up this sebae anemone from my LFS about three days ago and so far he hasn't really attached to anything. I had my circulation fan and return pump off for 24 hours so the current wouldn't blow him around but he did not attach in that time. I've tried placing him on the sand and also...