
  1. G


    I have a 20gallon and wanted to upgrade to around a 40 to 60 gallon tank could I get a pair or 2 of Atlantic seahorses my fish I’d be transferring is a pajama cardinal which I know is ok but would a canary blenny and x2 clowns be good since it’s such a big tank and after the seahorses I plan to...
  2. CmMagenta

    New to seahorses

    I have 150 gallon tank I set up a year ago for soft corals and a mandarin goby. 2 weeks ago I added 4 seahorses and a fire goby. They don’t do much, so I would like to add more fish but would love suggestions first. I’m new to seahorses, is 4 enough? They seem super social with each other. I...
  3. J

    Connecticut Captive bred seahorses

    3 seahorse, 2 are male(~5inches)/female (3-4inches) pair captive bred saddled erectus seahorse and smallest one is a captive bred lines seahorse(3-4inches). All seahorses eat frozen mysis as main diet(I feed two cubes of hikari mysis shrimp a day) looking for 180$ Local pickup only
  4. S

    Florida Hippocampus erectus

    I have two tank bred captive raised Hippocampus erectus seahorses for sale. They are about 2 3/4" to 3" and are eating frozen mysids. $100 each plus shipping. Please PM me if interested.
  5. coralfish12g


    An update on the fish tanks in my college dorm room!
  6. K

    Recommendations for combination of fish

    Ok, I have a 55 tank with a coral beauty angelfish in it and one frag of eagle eye zoas and one frag of hot pink montipora coral. I am planning on getting 2-4 erectus sea horses. Now, before you start, I am fully aware that they are SUPER hard to keep and Im up for the challenge. I easily have...
  7. aquaman99

    Build Thread 65g Mixed Reef for Seahorses.

    I am just about ready to put this plan all together so I wanted to make a build thread for it. Just so everyone doesn’t freak out about the cycle, I have had my sand in one 5gal bucket and my dry rock in another with air pumps with ammonia doses for the past 4+ months so they are both properly...
  8. coralfish12g


    I just got back home after a few months of travel. Special thanks to Tank It Easy for caring for the little guys while I was gone. Here is the video chronicling the reunion!
  9. Seahorsekelly69

    Thoughts on dwarf seahorse tanks - Wine Wednesday Live Stream

    Wine Wednesday with the Whisperer is a new live stream every Wednesday at 8pm est on my youtube channel: The idea is to grab a glass of wine and take a little time each week to all come together, share experiences, help each other and...
  10. dcom

    Help identifying/sexing horsies

    Hi guys, Ive got these seahorses through a friend and I cant really tell if these are: - 1 male and 1 female (erectus/lined). - Or 1 Ingen and 1 reidi (not necessarily male and female). I've attached 2 photos of each. The overall body shape and specially their abdomens are very different. Does...
  11. I'm a natural blue

    To Fast or Not To Fast? Seahorse feeding myth?

    When I set up my first seahorse tank almost 2 years ago I read some information from a reputable source that indicated fasting seahorses one day a week was healthy for them. Is this out dated information? Do any of our stallion keepers do this? Why or why not? I'm curious.
  12. I'm a natural blue

    Show us your (bare) bottom!

    Who keeps a BB tank? I know that many horse keepers prefer bb tanks for their horses health and wellness. I thought it would be cool to see some pictures of your bb tanks! I personally still have substrate but, I am one step closer every day to going bb. Show us your bottom! ;)
  13. I'm a natural blue

    Seahorse feeding stations and training

    Hello fellow horse keepers! I have a few questions about feeding stations and training your horses to use them. I have tried a couple different feeding stations and haven't had much success. Here are my issues and what I've tried... 1. A deep and wide clam shell. Pros: It looks very natural...
  14. want2bsleepy

    65 Gallon Seahorse Tank

    After years of telling my husband that we should have seahorses, he has finally agreed to help me set up a seahorse tank! We currently have a 125 gallon reef tank, a 29 gallon biocube, and a 15 gallon frag tank. Back in the fall we purchased a 65 gallon tank with stand, and have slowly been...
  15. jsbull

    Ich Fallow Period and Seahorses

    @Humblefish @melypr1985 I could use some advice and your expertise. Despite being quite careful with a solid QT process on almost all of my fish, I ended up with ich in my dual reefer set up. I expected to just manage it with a huge UV and selecting fish that could withstand it. Unfortunately...
Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish