seahorse tank

  1. L

    Could i add a leopard wrasse to my seahorse tank?

    I have bristle worms in my seahorse tank and I thought I could maybe try a leopard wrasse to help
  2. HWEP

    Switching over? Considerations?

    Hi everyone. I’m 2 years into reef keeping and I just don’t think I’m enjoying it like I should. i have a reefsys 255 tank with sump and I’m considering switching to seahorses. I’ve previously done quite a lot of research as this was my main reason for joining the hobby, but realistically what...
  3. kaleyalbrecht

    Illinois WTB Looking for a biocube or nanocube

    Hey everyone! I currently have a 5 gallon tank I set up for my dwarf seahorses, and they’re doing great, one of the males has babies coming any day now! Anyway, I love my dwarves so much I want to set up a *normal size* seahorse tank as well, so I’m looking for a biocube or nanocube to get that...
  4. Seahorsekelly69

    Proper Flow in a Seahorse System

    I see a lot of confusion about flow, so I thought I'd share a few of my articles from my own website here on reef2reef. Here's a link to the original: “Flow is one of the most important, and yet least understood aspects of a seahorse tank”...
  5. A

    Dwarf Seahorse Idea

    I am in the process of making a dwarf seahorse tank out of a Marineland either 3 or 5 gallons. The problem I'm running into is feeding the little guys. I understand that the norm is to feed bbs and bs, however, I also understand that in their natural habitat they eat mostly copepods and mysid...
  6. Seahorsekelly69

    Seahorse Tank Set Up Video

    Hey everyone! Just to warn you, I had not yet invested in a microphone when taping this video o_O. I felt the information was valuable enough to post anyways, but please excuse the background noise (everything from cycling k1 to tank flow....ugh). My goal in these videos is to provide good...
  7. jsbull

    Build Thread jsbull’s parent’s 500+ gallon L shaped monster build

    My parents have been long time saltwater fans and we had a tank throughout my childhood back in the early 90’s. They haven’t had one in a many years, while I’ve gotten deeper and deeper into the hobby. They’ve finally gotten the chance to build their dream home, and they wanted to put a massive...
  8. want2bsleepy

    65 Gallon Seahorse Tank

    After years of telling my husband that we should have seahorses, he has finally agreed to help me set up a seahorse tank! We currently have a 125 gallon reef tank, a 29 gallon biocube, and a 15 gallon frag tank. Back in the fall we purchased a 65 gallon tank with stand, and have slowly been...