
  1. Annabates


    Recently I had purchased 2 seahorses after a few months of doing research about them. I should have done more research for sure before getting them so please be nice i just really need help. They are wild caught which I was not informed of until after I had to ask. I have been trying to feed...
  2. A

    Seahorse Help!

    Hi! I posted a video of my seahorse acting strange in Reddit and they recommended I come here. (: I’ll also attach the Reddit link with the video at the bottom of this post as well. So the issue is he has been upside down and seems to have trouble being upright. He floats to the top and lodges...
  3. S

    Hawaii WTB Looking for Seahorses Hawaii

    Aloha, I am looking for any seahorse breeders within Hawaii I am wanting a pair of a male and female. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Or anyone willing to ship them to Hawaii. I am looking for some brightly colored horses thank you
  4. R

    Late Night Thinking: Dwarf Dwarf Seahorses Set up

    So in my endless researching looking for ways to turn a 40B into a tank viable for a mandarin (one of my fav fish) I stumbled into the finnex HOB refug. I tried one out and loved how fast the pod population exploded on it and bought two more. I realized I could only fit 2 on my back pannel...