#seahareeggs #seaharelove

  1. F

    Did my dolabella sea hare do this?!

    Just received a shipment of dolabella sea hares to our store about two days ago. Really interesting fellows and they seem great so far. (We have one tank that has cyano and correct me or not but they eat that right?) Anyway, I just saw this appear in the tank and mind you, he is the only guy...
  2. WizzWolfe

    Sea Hare Experienced Eggs and Twice tank Nuked

    I see people saying that the Sea Hare, when it inks, is not toxic, but let me tell you otherwise. My Sea Hare Pat has nuked my tank TWICE!! The first time, I was unsure and made up all kinds of excuses what may have happened as I scooped up my dead fish one by one, remembering to myself a year...
Tropic Marin USA