sea urchin

  1. elm03

    Sea Urchin Poop?

    Soooo I was watching my tank for a little bit while I was on my computer next to it and I noticed my pincushion sea urchin expelling tiny coco puffs from the back side of him. This is definitely a silly question, but I just want to make sure he is ok and that it's normal. I literally have never...
  2. GoldenOrbWeaver

    Question about sea urchins and sea cucumbers in a 5.5 gallon nano reef?

    Hello. I am setting up my first nano reef, which is 5.5 gallon, and I am wondering if I would be able to have a sea urchin or sea cucumber (of course after cycling and making sure the tank is stable). I know that they are both part of the cuc so if I got one would I get less snails? Would a 5.5...
  3. Swayingoceans

    Different Urchins in the same tank?

    Hi everyone, can a tuxedo urchin and a diadema urchin live in the same 75 gallon tank or is having only the one best? I'm working on building up my clean up crew. (Bonus pic of Quill aka Sir Quillsalot, pretending to be king of the reef).
  4. Trenox

    Local Fish Store sold me "Spiny Urchins," what species is this?

    Hey all, created an account just to ask this. A few weeks ago I bought some urchins from my local fish store; The owner referred to them as "Spiny Urchins" informally, with the actual label on the tank being "Long-Spine Urchins (Diadema spp.)." They had red and greenish-black color variations...
  5. SquidySpecs

    Can adding top off water hurt echinoderms?

    Could adding top off water affect the salinity enough to shock sea urchins? I assume no, since i have a few asterina stars that are fine with it but those are also very hardy so I wanted to make sure. Thinking about getting a tuxedo sea urchin since I like them so much.
  6. B

    I think my fire urchin is dying..

    I just got this guy, not even two days old in my tank.. my urchin lost its color and is barely moving. It’s losing its spines too. I had it slowly acclimated. All my inverts are doing fine in my tank as well. Im at a loss here.
  7. ajtomase

    Starfish, urchin, or both in tank

    I've heard that pincushion and tuxedo urchins will starfish. Has anyone experienced that, or is it safe to keep both in the tank at the same time?
  8. SaltyShel

    ID My Urchin?

    Hey y’all. I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of urchin I have for a week and I can’t seem to get any answers. Google certainly hasn’t helped, but I probably am not looking for the right thing! I really would like to know what type he is so that I can look into the best practices for care...
  9. hds4216

    Help! How the heck do I feed my tuxedo urchin?

    I bought a tuxedo urchin because I think they're awesomely cool and my LFS had them in stock for the first time I can remember. However, I don't have any algae haha. I have some nori, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to feed it. It never finds the nori clip, and if I try to place...
  10. S

    Urchin Still Alive?

    Hi y’all! We added this sea Urchin to our tank 2 days ago and it hasn’t moved at all. We took the time to acclimate it but due to its immobility we believe it might be dead? I’ve attached photos of it here.
  11. Raj2306

    Crab ID hosting on sea urchin

    My sea urchin was not doing well and losing most of its hair suddenly. I seperated and moved it to refugium. It stopped moving today and when I noticed closely I saw something crawling all over it's body. I've seen this many times but all the while I was thinking it's urchins mouth. It looks...
  12. Evan28395950

    Valentiny Puffer bothering Sea Urchin

    This is the first time the sea urchin is out during the day, and I noticed my pufferfish keeps on pecking at it. Will it be ok?
  13. kamakazian

    Strangest thing your urchin has picked up!?

    So I bought a pincushion sea urchin about a month ago. My LFS told me it might eat corraline algae (confirmed) and it might also try to pick up soft corals to "camouflage" itself (confirmed!!). Mine decided to grab some clove polyps and keep on trucking! It hasn't let go of it for weeks lol...
  14. G

    From the Ocean - How Do I Add

    I was just recently on a vacation in the Bahamas and picked up a dead sea biscuit and a dead sea urchin while snorkeling. I'm thinking about adding these to my tank for some decoration to the sand bed. Do any of you have any suggestions for how to do this? Should I bleach them and then put...
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