sea slug

  1. H

    are blue lettuce slugs (elysia crispata) photosynthetic?

    im a huge fan of gastropods, and i would love to have one of these amazing creatures in my living room, and i know that they are somewhat photosynthetic, stealing genes from algae, but are the blue ones AS photosynthetic? the blue ones are absolutely gorgeous, but all the other gene-stealing...
  2. Karen00

    This little Lettuce Nudi is a cleaning powerhouse

    Hello fellow Saltines, I thought I would share with you the marvels of this little Lettuce Nudi (I believe he might actually be a sea slug as opposed to a nudi according to webpages about these guys). My tank is about 15 months old and has been stabilizing on its own and the uglies have...
  3. Phoerut

    What is this sea slug kind of thing?

  4. Phoerut

    What is this? They/it popped out my live rock I bought today. Is it reef safe?

  5. tailoftwogobies

    sea hares / sea slugs

    hi y’all… we were in our LFS today and overheard the owner telling his main guy that he found the ‘sea slug dead’ in one of their tanks and they need to immediately do a water change & that the water was cloudy in that tank due to the slug dying.. we have one in our sump and i’m curious, if it...
  6. reefsaver

    Australia and Nudibranchs/Sea Slugs.

    Hypothetically if you were Australian and you were struggling for months to find a distributor in your country to purchase a specific Nudibranch you have researched in depth, and it is illegal to import pretty much all marine animals in Australia without a license. And you didn't want a license...
  7. randallafterglow52

    Good or bad sea slug?

    Is this guy good or bad?
  8. LizzDregne

    Sea Hare Back Splitting - Shell Showing

    My heart is filled with sadness: my Dolabella/Wedge Sea Hare's back has split open and his shell is sticking out. It happened overnight. My parameters are: 1.024 salinity .5ppm Nitrates 0/0 Ammonia/Nitrites I bought him two weeks ago to clear out a ton of green hair algae, there is plenty...
  9. Getting the seahorse tank ready!

    Getting the seahorse tank ready!

    This is my tank for my 2 dwarf seahorses that I will be getting later this week! I am super excited to get them, along with 1 lettuce sea slug! :D
  10. W

    Slug Pest/Hitch Hiker Infestation Outbreak!

    Hello everyone! This is my first time on a reefing forum. I made an account because I can’t find any information regarding what’s going on in my tank. 32 gallon LED Biocube All levels are completely fine and the tank is doing great other then the literal 2 - 300 slugs that seemed to develop...
  11. Carebearsss.x

    Please help identify. I'm thinking it may be some kind of slug?

    Please help me identify. I'm very new with this. Thinking it could be a sea slug
  12. Kamden Uelton

    Chromodoris Annae feeding on unidentified Sponge

    Hello! Heres my Chromodoris Annae feeding on a Random Black/Brown Sponge, If anyone could identify the Sponge it'd help a lot!