#sea hare

  1. LizzDregne

    Sea Hare Back Splitting - Shell Showing

    My heart is filled with sadness: my Dolabella/Wedge Sea Hare's back has split open and his shell is sticking out. It happened overnight. My parameters are: 1.024 salinity .5ppm Nitrates 0/0 Ammonia/Nitrites I bought him two weeks ago to clear out a ton of green hair algae, there is plenty...
  2. MsTracy

    Sea hare and tube anemone compatibility?

    I have recently had a spike in my phosphates & now have a bloom of hair algae. I have had for months now, a tube anemone and it's grown nicely, however, things that get too close get stung. Yesterday I picked up a sea hare from my local lfs & noticed last night there is a nice clump of hair...
Tenecor Aquariums