sea hare

  1. CoralsAnonymous

    California Live Goods SPONSOR Blue Spotted Sea Hare - currently OOS

    Hello everyone from Corals Anonymous. Just arrived to our tanks is the Blue Spotted Sea Hare - for anyone with an algae problem and add some splash to their tank, these alien looking algae-grazers are a great addition to any tank. Click any of our highlight images below to head over to the...
  2. CoralsAnonymous

    Mother's Day Sale! Up to 60% off new livestock!

    Happy Mother's Day from your reefing family at Corals Anonymous! We have lots of new items on sale for you, including Florida ricordeas and the elusive Blue Spotted Sea Hare - click our banner or collage below to head over to the sale this week. \ As always, we offer free overnight shipping...
  3. CoralsAnonymous

    Livestock [Corals Anonymous] Mother's Day Sale! Up to 60% off new livestock!

    Happy Mother's Day from your reefing family at Corals Anonymous! We have lots of new items on sale for you, including Florida ricordeas and the elusive Blue Spotted Sea Hare - click our banner or collage below to head over to the sale this week. \ As always, we offer free overnight shipping...
  4. WorldZY

    Sea Hare

    Hi there! I'm getting my 1st Sea Hare Saturday and was hoping for some pointers/tips on this sexy slugs! - Acclimation - Feeding after they eat all the algae - etc. Any advice would be helpful. I'm getting a big water change done tomorrow so I can make sure it's ready for the new home!
  5. M

    Came home to my sea hare dead and half it's body missing

    I got this sea hare on Friday from my lfs to combat some hair algae I've been getting and today I came home to half it's body missing(the head half) and the bottom just floating by the sand bed. Now I saw him last night grazing and moving around so I have no idea what could have caused this. Is...
  6. QuothTheRaven

    Sea Hare

    Hello, I have a 7 month old 40gal tank with good parameters. Last week I purchased a Sea hare, a cleaner shrimp, and an arrow crab. All 3 died within like 3 days and I'm not sure why. Current tank inhabitants: Haitian Anemone, 1 banggai cardinalfish, 3 blue legged hermit crabs, 1 turbo...
  7. D

    Sea Hares mating and eggs

    I must have had some sea hare eggs on some plants for my tank because I never bought any and one day I noticed 2 sea hares in my tank. That was about 6 weeks ago and now they are mating and laying eggs everywhere! I egg survived and is the size of the older ones already. I have been...
  8. trevorhiller

    Sea Hare Experiences

    I was at Petco today buying a bangaii cardinal and they had two Sea Hares in stock. I have been doing manual removal of hair algae and substrate rinsing since before June with little relief. Unfortunately, I have been having bad luck with fish and therefore keep having to feed heavily to fatten...
  9. tailoftwogobies

    sea hares / sea slugs

    hi y’all… we were in our LFS today and overheard the owner telling his main guy that he found the ‘sea slug dead’ in one of their tanks and they need to immediately do a water change & that the water was cloudy in that tank due to the slug dying.. we have one in our sump and i’m curious, if it...
  10. JoannaCora

    Sea Hare I.D.

    Howdy! Found this fella today hanging around on one of my gorgonians, initially leading me to believe it was a coral eating nudibranch since I just dealt with a few of those, but they looked nothing like this. After getting a closer look it seems to be a sea hare, which as far as I know are only...
  11. Jnyhart

    EMERGENCY I need help! Dolabella sea Wedge

    Hi all, I need help with this one. I've had this sea Wedge hare for about 6 months and all of a sudden, two days ago, this weird blue thing came out of the side of its head! Almost like out of its mouth! I don't know what this is but it is prohibiting him from eating. I think it's gonna die...
  12. C

    Fluval EVO 13.5 questions! I need HELP!

    Hey everyone, I have several questions currently about my tank. I'll post specs first before my questions/issues... Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5 gallon Lighting: stock light- 11000K LED. Very Very white light :(. I try to run my blue light from 0700-0-1000, and then full lights from 1000-1900 and then...
  13. C

    Fluval Evo 13.5- EWWWW! Black mold!? Bleaching? All of the questions....

    Hey everyone, I have several questions currently about my tank. I'll post specs first before my questions/issues... Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5 Lighting: stock light- 11000K LED. Very Very white light :(. I try to run my blue light from 0700-0-1000, and then full lights from 1000-1900 and then back to...
  14. M

    Trouble with Inverts - Shrimp, Clams, name it

    Hi, I am having a heck of a time with inverts and it's only getting worse. Tank: 70 gallon mixed reef. Kole tang, 2 anthias, bi-colored blenny, and 2 clowns. Several SPS and LPS (SPS grow well in the tank but LPS is hit and miss) and softies (grow really well). I lose cleaner shrimp every...
  15. keddre

    Sea Hare Care

    Due to being unable of finding great Sea Hare care guides online (I did find one but even it was lacking on information and had some bad info), I decided to write my own with intense googling, scholaring and personal experience. It should be noted that this guide is about Dolabella auricularia...