
  1. A

    EMERGENCY Clowns yawning and flashing?

    Hi all, I have had two clowns for over a year now, and they both went through an initial qt. Unfortunately I don’t have the space for a coral qt and a few new corals were introduced maybe 2 weeks ago. Just yesterday I noticed both of them yawning, however not too frequently. This morning I can...
  2. K

    Midas blenny scratching, flukes?

    Hi all, Since yesterday my Midas blenny has been acting strange, it's scratching its body along the rockwork (see video) and sometimes biting its tail. All other fish are acting normal. All fish are eating normally. No signs of white spots whatsoever. The blenny has been in my tank for about 3...
  3. breefrost

    Opinion: Should I prazi my tank?

    Debating if I should take action: my panther grouper has been itching on the sand bed, only occasionally the past couple months, but lately it seems more often he has an itching fit (swimming on his side against the sand 1-3 times). Id bet hes doing it more than once a day. No other visible...