scratched glass

  1. N

    I am gutted, brand new reefer G2 525 tank covered in small scratches from flipper. Looking for some advice on how to remove the scratches

    Hi, so I just noticed our new tank (~3 months old Red Sea Reefer G2 525) suddenly has all these scratches on the inside of the front glass. The strange thing is, I always clean the sides & front at the same time, only the front is scratched and I always avoid the sand. Looking back on photos, it...
  2. A

    EMERGENCY Could anyone tell me its crack or scratch?

    System :waterbox 35.2 AIO I cannot see any depth, and cannot feel both at both side generally. When I use my fingernail, maybe I could feel super duper tiny difference at inside.(not even noticable) Just worry if this can be develop as crack ? Or Is this just simple scratch. I marked as...
  3. P

    Build Thread Will's 100 Gallon Reef Tank

    Posting my 100 gallon mixed reef tank here. I have been at it for years but recently figured out that good lighting means I can grow more corals. Now its time to move the tank to replace the flooring in the house. Maybe I can get some tips on how to improve upon the tank. I have some great ideas.
  4. Michael White

    Using aquascape to deal with scratched glass

    Started working on aquascaping my new 210,... and I dropped a piece of liverock and scratched the front glass panel, almost dead center. It is not cracked but the scratch is deep enough to catch a fingernail. So is there a way to use the aquascape to minimize the appearance of the scratch? As in...