scorpion fish

  1. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of The Week : Yellow/Orange Smooth Rhinopias Scorpion

    Yellow/Orange Smooth Rhinopias Scorpions are ambush predators, lying motionless on the seafloor and using their camouflage to blend in with their surroundings before striking at prey with lightning-fast speed. Typically Rhinopias will initially consume live prey, but they can be conditioned to...
  2. Kyuubi

    Fu manchu lion compatibility

    So I have a yellow spotted scorpionfish (about 1”) and saw a fu Manchu lionfish (about 1.5”-2”?) for sale, I was wondering if they would be okay in the same tank at their sizes or should I place the lion in a separate tank. My scorpionfish eats large Amphipods, but I also have saltwater grass...
  3. Karen00

    Looking for guidance: This story is crazy

    Hello fellow saltines, Firstly, if this had not happened to me I would not have believed it so here goes... About four months ago I got a second Spotted Coral Croucher (a scorpionfish) hoping it might be the opposite sex to the Croucher I already had in my tank. The new one was a fair bit...
  4. L

    Florida Looking for 2 Red rooster waspfish!!

    Hello everyone ! Been trying to find one or two of these fish been going Going nuts looking for them, if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
  5. Purple/Red Rhinopias Scorpion fish

    Purple/Red Rhinopias Scorpion fish

    Purple/Red Rhinopias Scorpion fish relaxing in his new home!