scopas tang

  1. meysam_b61

    EMERGENCY Scopas tang with black circles

    Dear friends I bought this scopas tang 11 days ago and move him to qt tank, today i see some sign of illness(black circles) that visible in pic, how can i afford this? qt tank 40 litr Salinity 1.026 Temp 28 Thanks
  2. markushio40b

    Tang being attacked?

    I currently have a Scopas Tang, 2 Clowns, and a Valentino Puffer. I just noticed today that the Tang seems to have 2 bite marks on its back fins. Is it possible the puffer did this or even the clowns? They all seem very calm around each other and even swim together in groups. I have been cutting...
  3. markushio40b

    Scopas Tang doesn’t eat nori

    I’ve added a new Scopas Tang to my tank thought they enjoyed the nori sheets to snack on. I’ve purchased the Omega Green and he doesn’t even give it a second look. He has however been eating Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Blood Worms, and even half Clams from my puffer. Should I try a sinking...
  4. J

    Whats wrong with my scopas tang?

    Hi, i have a scopas that i had for about a month now and its eating great. Raw nori, new life spectrum pellets, hikari seaweed extreme pellets. It was thin as heck and wasn’t eating when i got it but since i keep it outdoors in a pond/lagoon system the rocks are covered in algae and it started...
  5. Lbrdsoxfan

    Live Goods SOLD 4" Scopas Tang - FREE! Local Pickup only!!

    Just as the Ad says, free 4" scopas tang for local pickup only. California - Long Beach area. Healthy scopas tang, have had him for about 2 years now. No issues, decent color and temperament. I added a trio of zebrasoma tangs (2 yellow and a purple) and the scopas went bezerko towards them. Its...
  6. T

    EMERGENCY Scopas tang dying? please help

    Hello I added a scopas tang and a midnight angel last week into my tank, everyone was well, and is, my fox face is happily swimming, my claws swimming my cuc cleaning and my tang was very lively too until just 10 minutes ago, I came and I saw it lying flat on the ground, breathing very rapidly...
  7. W

    EMERGENCY Scopas tang vs new foxface

    Hi y’all, long story short, I recent combined my frag tank system with my 75 gallon display into a 120g tall display tank. however my Scopas Tang doesn’t leave my new foxface alone. I wanted to add more herbivorous so I thought a foxface would be great option. Not sure if it’s normal...
  8. D

    Scopas Tang with odd spots

    Hi all, I wanted to ask if anyone knew what kind of spots these are on my Scopas tang. The tang had marine velvet a few weeks ago and was properly treated with cupramine. At start of velvet the tang had visible sprinkle like dots on the body. The fish right now is eating great and swimming...
  9. Nittro22

    Scopas Discolored!!

    My scopas has started becoming discolored. is this normal or should I be worried?
  10. HaydenS13reefer

    EMERGENCY Help identifying Ich or Velvet

    Hi Everyone, Wanted to get any suggestions if my Scopas Tang has ich or velvet and what my next possible steps should be. First time with a tang from my local LFS that had it quarantined before getting. I got him on Friday and he's been eating great and showing no signs of stress. Went out for...
  11. PeterReefer

    New Jersey Livestock Trade Scopas Tang

    Beautiful Scopas Tang, that I need to get rid of, if you got anything to trade for him let me know.