scooter blenny

  1. 1epauletteshark

    The dragonet debate

    I don't want to start a dragonet war or anything but which dragonet is your personal favorite based on your opinions experience and difficulty. If you chose other please reply to this thread and explain which and/or why. Also if you have some photos and experience to share of your own that would...
  2. A

    Long Tentacle Anemone compatibility

    Hello, I’m new to the salt water side of fish keeping. I currently have a 75 gallon tank with a sail fin tang, yellow watchman gobby, royal gramma, lawnmower blenny, 2 cardinal banggai, 3 common clown fish, fire gobby, red scooter dragonet, and a skunk cleaner shrimp. I tried to research a...
  3. K

    Scooter Blenny not eating after 3 days in copper

    To say upfront the blenny is now in water with 0ppm copper. 2 different LFS recommended copper treatment in QT due to velvet in DT and I regrettably followed their advice. Current issue - Scooter blenny is not eating and does not look well. Heavy breathing, barely moving (see picture and...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Amphipods and a mandarin

    Will a mandarin dragonette eat these guys? I have pods bothering my zoas. They’re larger and I believe they’re amphipods. Maybe 1/4”. Visible to the naked eye but not huge. Or would a scooter blenny work? I know a wrasse will but it’s a biocube and I only have two small clowns in there now. Only...
  5. M

    EMERGENCY Hole in scooters mouth

    I recently moved my tank to a new house when inspecting the fish on arrival the scooter was fine. Yesterday when watching the fish I noticed this on his mouth. I’ve moved him to a quarantine tank and half dosed with coppersafe and maracyn oxy. I have no clue what this is I’ve never seen it before.
  6. JonnyTorch

    HELP! w/ Amphipods & Dragonettes

    Please help! I'm scratching my head and worrying about these little guys. Really needing some solid advice here... I've been able to keep a Scooter Blenny and a Mandarin in my 20g dosing Pods every month or so, without any issue. AIO tank with middle column as a lit refugium. Well over the last...
  7. Cantusaurus

    Skinny Scooter Blenny

    I think I am driving myself crazy. I have this Ruby Red Scooter/Dragonet for 3 months. 32.5 gallon (long) tank. Lots of pods in there before adding him (live phyto in there too to help with pods). I also have Marine pure spheres (biomedia) for them to hide in and I am trying to grow a small...
  8. AVamosi

    Missing Diamond Goby & Scooter Blenny

    Been missing my Diamond Goby and Scooter Blenny for about a week now. Tank parameters have been good minus an alkaline spike to about 14 for 2 or three days, which only seemed to affect two plate coral and possibly a blood shrimp. I keep a top on my tank at all times unless I’m feeding them...
  9. Jendee3773

    Hello Scooter blenny and mandarin dragonet and feeding?

    Hi! I have been reading lots of threads here over the past year but this is my first question that I haven’t really come across being already discussed yet. I have a 220 gallon system that has been up and running a little over a year. I just added a scooter blenny (named Scooter, yes, I’m one of...
  10. Cantusaurus

    Will a Ruby Red and 'Regular' Red Dragonet pair up/be compatible?

    I am definitely going to get a pair of Scooter Blennys (preferably the ruby red ones) but I also like the regular red one as well. I was wondering if anyone knows if pairing a ruby red and red dragonet/scooter will work? I haven't seen anything online, but i'm pretty curious if anyone knows. I...
  11. Sean Donohue

    Will 3 male ruby dragonets get along if they are the only 3 fish in my 30g frag tank?

    I have a 30 gallon frag tank, I have a healthy supply of brine shrimp and copepods , I breed them in my garage. I've successfully kept a Mandarin dragonet alive for two years now, first in my 50 gallon tank, and now it's doing well in my upgraded 100 gallon. Keeping pods has never been a problem...
  12. 046CE165-1B1E-4EE2-AC0C-B90972DEA3D6


  13. Susan Edwards

    Scooter Blenny Flashing?

    Okay, my scooter is full of personality--one of my favorite fishes. When I stand next to tank, he comes over and watches me. If I move, he moves. Quite a character. I've trained him to take frozen brine and mysis from a turkey baster. He goes up to a rock and waits and when I start squirting...