
  1. RdawgsReefs


    I'm very new to this so this is very far off for me but to me this is the epitome of coral husbandry so everything leads to it. Its the reason I got into the hobby. From what I know, getting coral to spawn/reproduce instead of fragging is few and far between. Ive only personally read about it...
  2. Reef and Dive

    How to deal with tons of information an misinformation

    I stated this arguments on a separate discussion, but I believe it could be useful to post it as a separate thread. For newcomers it may be pretty difficult to understand the best information provided. My honest suggestion for every piece of information is: 1 - check tha background of who...
  3. Sumo Reef

    Deep questions - Polyps, Zooxanthellae, and Stony Corals

    A little preface to my question So polyps are individual animals, separate from the corals themselves. Polyps not only house zooxanthellae but are the way corals interact with their environment by providing a means for the coral to eat food. Polyps secrete calcium carbonate underneath...
  4. Pankney72

    Peer Review database in the hobby?

    Hey all. I’m a guy with a science (biochemist/cell biologist) background and I’ve been reefing with a pretty minimalist system for quite a while now. That said, I’ve finally got the resources to do a custom build 250 gal before I move for work, and my question is this. I’m sure peer reviewed...
  5. bg2311

    DIY UV Sterilizer - WIP Build Thread

    Hello! I'm starting a build thread for a DIY project that I'm working on (if this should be in another forum section, mods please let me know). The sheer cost of consumer/prosumer grade UV sterilizers was enough to motivate me to try to build my own. Quick required safety disclaimer: Even...
  6. BeardedDragon21

    Reproductive habits and first feeding of the marine ornamental, Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)

    Reproductive habits and first feeding of the marine ornamental, Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) Master's Thesis by Josh Borland Supervisors: Chaoshu Zeng, Bill Chen Abstract Marine ornamental aquaculture is a young and growing field in which efforts to captively rear and breed...
  7. A

    How do you learn marine biology as a hobbyist?

    hi everyone! hoping this is the right forum to post this. so, i watch quite a bit of reef relate youtube, and am always in awe of people like Jake Adams from reefbuilders & Than from tidal gardens who know the specific scientific names and how each species relate to each other. i'd really...
  8. Psymon

    KI Calculation help

    hi R2R Chemistry and maths pros, Please, can someone check my maths on this calc. I have some KI (German:Kaliumiodid (min. 99%, Ph. Eur., USP) 100g) Calculations are made using 100%. If the Iodide setpoint is 60ug (Triton target) Potassium Iodide = 76.4% iodide (source...
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