school of fish

  1. nsauer3

    What fish to get?

    What fish should I get out of these?
  2. HawaiiTanks808

    Clown fish and blue green chromis

    Has anyone else's clownfish decided he's a schooling fish... one of my clowns has been an active swimmer from day one the other joins every now and then but its usually just the one who is active and then goes and hangs out with the other clown when he isn't swimming... Well we created a...
  3. badstorm48

    Looking for a smaller colorful fish that has a lot of movement

    Just like the title says I'm looking for a smaller colorful fish that has a lot of movement in my reef tank. I also want to have them in a group of say 3 to 5. My tank is a 70 gallon tank with a Christmas wrasse, tribal blenny, ocellaris clown, mystery wrasse, and a hi hat goby, oh and I have a...
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