
  1. jacquesPiette

    Cardinalfish lovers

    I love Cardinalfish! their angular shape, their colours, their unique behaviors. understand my surprise when i find that there isnt a whole lot about theses guys on the internet (exept the pyjama and the bangai) i have a 55 gallon tank with three pyjamas, 3 bangais and 3 longspine cardinalfish...
  2. Jeremy K.A.

    CHEAP Schooling fish

    Hey Reefers, I've always wanted a large school of Bangaii Cardinals, they're the fish that got me into reef keeping/ marine aquariums! Sadly I can't afford to make a large school of them since they're $26 per fish at my LFS. That being said, I'd still love to have a decent school of fish in my...
  3. BigKid4788

    Anthias compatibility

    I have a harem of lyre tail anthias and want to add a different type of anthias. Which species would get along with the lyre tail? I'm looking for anthias that are not orange (purple queen, ventralis). Anyone with experience keeping multiple species I would appreciate the input. I have a 280...
  4. Joshua Hurst

    Setting tank up in school!

    Hello Everyone!!! So like most of you reef keepers I fell in love with reef keeping the day I started (although having one clownfish in a 55 gallon tank was dreadful.) For my life I've decided I want to own a coral store. I want to go to business school and I may get a degree in marine...
Geo's Reef