
  1. CincyReefer07

    20 inch Zebra Eel…how much would you feed?

    Just curious if I’m doing this right. I have a currently 20 inch long zebra moray eel in my 310 gallon. After a week in my tank he’s finally started eating. I fed him a piece of raw uncooked table shrimp. And then 3 days later I fed him a scallop. Plan on feeding him again again tomorrow. I have...
  2. S

    Is my scallop on his death bed?

    I’ve had this guy for just under a month i believe and I’m worried about him. Just in the last few days his tissue seems like it’s retracting, I’m worried hes not looking good. What do you guys think? I got him some phytoplankton but I’m not sure how to tell if he’s eating
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  4. Dalton Hunter

    Flame Scallop Experience

    Just curious to know who long people have been able to get flame scallops to live in their tanks. I currently have a red flame and an electric red flame scallop that has been in the tank for a year now. I was told to only expect them to live 6 months or less.
  5. Dalton Hunter

    Flame scallops

    Just curious to know who long people have been able to get flame scallops to live in their tanks. I currently have a red flame and an electric red flame scallop that has been in the tank for a year now. I was told to only expect them to live 6 months or less.
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