
  1. M

    Odd Activity - Sand Sifting Starfish

    Hi guys, I have a 32 gal tank that has been up and running for about 4 months now (3 months cycled). I added a sand sifting starfish to the tank earlier this week and quickly noticed that he spends the majority of his time at the water surface (refer to pics). Occasionally he will drop off into...
  2. happyhourhero

    Sandstorm safe coral list?

    I would like to compile a list of sand or bottom dwelling corals or sessile inverts that can tolerate and thrive living in systems with sand sifting gobies. Please let us know what corals and inverts you have that don’t need constant attention with the Turkey blaster. Fungía plates - they can...
  3. mattybecks

    Sand sifting fish shoaling fish ID

    Hi Guys, I was hoping to get an ID on these fish that are always at the beach here so I can research more on them. I can say they behave very much like the Geophagus genus of freshwater fish. Loving it when you disturb the sand for them to sift through. The water is always saturated with...