saltwater conversion

  1. S

    Help please, converting fluval Roma 240 to marine.

    Hello I have a fluval Roma 240 currently used as a tropical tank. I'd love to change this to marine but I'm not entirely sure of the best equipment to use/changes to make. Has anyone done with this tank or a similar tank and can give any advice please? I had a go at marine before but found the...
  2. immaman2011

    Saltwater molly conversion chance?

    Hey guys!, I got 2 regular black velvet mollies from petco they looked really healthy from the getgo and were only $4 a piece. I got a heater for my acclimation bucket with a dripper I already had. I dripped them for 9 hours and put them in after lights out, slightly raising the PH and salinity...
  3. MadHatter'sReef

    ...and knowing is half the battle

    Lets say you can go back and time... If you could tell yourself one thing before getting started in the hobby what would it be???
  4. nickenayat

    100 Gallon DIY Tank Stand Help

    I know its a 100 gallon freshwater but thanks for the help anyways... Intro: I currently have a 100 gallon freshwater tank stocked with cichlids that has been up and running for over 2 years now. I just upgraded to a 30 gallon saltwater tank because I've been dying to start reefing. The new...