salt level

  1. Daved4

    What is the lowest salinity you've had in your reef tank?

    Hey everyone. I'm curious to see what anyone has to say about the lowest they've seen their salinity in their tank with corals still thriving? I recently realized my tank was running at 1.020 for quite a long period of time. Verified by 2 separate digital Milwaukee checkers. I've since brought...
  2. JGTPA

    Refractometer Calibration

    I've been calibrating my refractometer with RODI for the past 2 years. I now know that it's best to calibrate with calibration solution. I want to switch to calibrating with the solution with my next water change, but the problem that I ran into is when I calibrate using the solution my tanks...
  3. S

    What’s your prefect salinity level

    I have had the local pro’s tell me numbers from 1.022-1.-030 on a semi mix reef. Mostly koni’s and zoa. I have had had good luck this week lowering my AL 34 down to 10-12 of the whites and 30-32 on the blues. any thoughts? thanks, friendly Reefer
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