salinity help

  1. vb_reefs

    Chasing Salinity

    Hello everyone, I really tried to figure this out before making this thread. I also read a few similar threads from other members with similar problems. But decided to make my own thread in the end (hopefully this is in the correct area). I apologize in advance for the long read. Tank is a...
  2. JGTPA

    Refractometer Calibration

    I've been calibrating my refractometer with RODI for the past 2 years. I now know that it's best to calibrate with calibration solution. I want to switch to calibrating with the solution with my next water change, but the problem that I ran into is when I calibrate using the solution my tanks...
  3. R

    Extreme salinity difference

    Hi all, I have some confusion with measuring salinity. I started a month ago with cycling my tank with a salinity of 1.025 measured with an aquamedic LED refractometer. Last week I found out about the tropic-marin hydrometer so today I bought it for faster salinity measuring. But here's the...
  4. 1Matthew

    Upgrading Tanks - Fish

    Hi all, recently I upgraded my 55 gallon to a 90 gallon tank. The tank was bought off someone and I got everything up and running yesterday. The tank already came with a good amount of fish in it which I plan to take some out and give to my Lfs. Currently, there are a pair of ocellaris, a coral...
  5. airvicconcre

    Very new aquarium.

    Hi all. I have a 150g DT and a 75g sump (which I maintain at 35g) my DT has three fishes, a couple juvenile Vlamingii and a juvenile Hippo tang. Tank salinity is 1.021. I plan to start reefing in 6 months time so I would like to gradually increase the salinity to 1.023/4 for my fish to get...
  6. Shy519

    Help! I raised the salinity too fast!

    I ran random parameters due to upset polyps. My salinity was sitting at 1.017 and I believe I raised it too fast. It's now at 1.023 and I ticked off all my corals. My chalice and candy canes are currently shedding color and slime throughout the tank while all my polpys are closed. I'm worried...
  7. L

    More or less salt?

    What you guys think on the salinity?
  8. M

    Apex Salinity probe vs. Hanna not adding up

    Hi all, Newbie here. I bought a Neptune Apex and installed it in my Reefer 250. Up until now (8 days in) I’ve been using a Hanna Salinity tester and have been getting perfect readings of 1.025 - 1.026. The device has been calibrated twice for certainty. The Apex probe, also calibrated, is...
  9. D

    40 ppt salinity how to bring down

    So a few days ago I got a purple tang looked happy. Two days later dead. My water was fine everything great. So I went to my go to fish store. He tested water and my salinity was 40 ppt. My salinity tester (digital) failed me tested incorrectly... So the tang was shocked so makes sense he...
  10. S

    Help with salinity measuring

    I purchased a reef tank second hand that was well established. The guy I picked it up from said he didn’t measure salinity because he just always removed exactly 4.5 gallons and replaced exactly 4.5 gallons. He said every time he measured he got inconsistent measurements. Well I see the struggle...
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