rrc rainbow splice

  1. sunnysidecorals

    Sunnyside Corals Auctions are live: 6/1/24 RRC Rainbow Splice, UC Loony Bin, Chunky SCOP

    This week's auctions are now live! Auctions begin to end Saturday June 1 @6PM MST No Reserves We offer free shipping on all single orders over $300 including auctions. You can combine other Cut To Order (CTO) and WYSIWYG Corals with auction items in a single order. Free Local Pick Ups for...
  2. 305

    Soflo-wysiwyg RRC RAINBOW SPLICE 400$ shipped to all 50

    Hey guys, New to selling on r2r… but been doing this awhile. I have a frag of rrc rainbow splizzy for sale And will include shipping in the purchase. Fully documented and transparent will send photos through out the process! 400$ shipped 350$ local purchase. So-flo will meet within a reasonable...
  3. A

    New York Live Goods Out of hobby. SPS colony for sale. Local only in NYC

    Hi everyone, I am out of hobby and have no time to taking care of these sensitive corals. Some of SPS colonies for sale and it get better home. Local pick up only in Bayside, Queens, NYC. 1. Big R Walt Disney - $2,000.00 2. POTO Flamethrower - Sold 3. RRC Rainbow Splice - $1,800.00 4. Sexy...
  4. Thakki

    Virginia Live Goods RRC Rainbow splice frag FS

    I have an RRC Rainbow splice frag for sale. Bought it from TCK corals. I am upgrading to a bigger tank and I want to minimize the risk of loosing corals. The frag is about 1/2 inch give or take. Asking $500. Local pickup only. Last pic you can see my splice before fragging.
  5. jgg1133

    Ohio Live Goods RRC Rainbow splice colony. Local P/U in Ohio

    Selling my RRC Rainbow Splice colony. I would prefer local pickup at this time due to the size. Mounted to a 3'' disk, approximately 7 inches tall with branches and basing out. You can see red, just seems to be developing. I don't have time to care for my SPS system any more. $750...
  6. chuckfu5

    Utah SOLD Killer frag pack!

    Offering up a nice frag pack with some intermediate to high end. 1. TCK Candy Crush 2. Rainbow Splice ( green ) 3. Blue Tip Stag 4. TCK Molten Lava Spath 5. TCK Awesome Milli 6. No name acro Photos are in order of listed with a final pic of all six. I accept Paypal and Venmo
  7. jgg1133

    Ohio Live Goods 5” RRC rainbow splice

    selling a 5” tall piece of RRC rainbow splice. It has some red but not enough that I’m asking for those prices. asking $500 shipped
  8. A Reef Creation

    RRC Rainbow Splice Acro finally cut

    We cut a frag of the RRC Rainbow Splice Acro. We were only able to get one frag of this acro to sell so it will be going into a large pack we put together. The pack will be posted on our website Thursday 6/4 at 8PM EST AREEFCREATION.COM I will start another thread with the pack in it but wanted...