
  1. C

    Feeding phyto/rotifer culture question

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience keeping a phyto/rotifer culture up in Canada? I'm looking for something to feed a phytoplankton culture but can't find anything. I can't get rg complete or micro algae grow here in Canada and looking for an idea for an alternative. Thanks
  2. Durhamreefer

    North Carolina WTB Looking for local Phyto and Rotifer cultures - NC

    Anyone in our around Durham have any Phyto and rotifers for sell?
  3. BloopFish

    Brand of Bleach for Phyto

    I imagine that the brand of bleach you use likely doesn't matter as long as there are no surfactants or perfumes in the bleach, but I was wondering what various brands of bleach people tend to use for their culture to get a good idea of what has been sort of "vetted" already.
  4. californiarob

    Rotifers and Ciliates Euplotes sp.

    I am sure this has come up on the forums but wanted to see if any research has been done on this within the hobbyist. I have been rearing clownfish since the late 80's and got out of it in the late 90's and recently started again, back in the day I had many types of containers for rots, from 2...