rose tip

  1. Sarah Grace

    RBTA Losing Tentacles???

    I have had my RBT anemone for about a year and for the past month it has been shedding its tentacles. I thought maybe something was messing with it, but i watched it for awhile and it seems to twist the base and cut off circulation to the tentacle itself(if that makes sense) it has grown quite a...
  2. Aaron Davis

    Rose tip anemones and pom pom xenia frags

    I have two rose bubble tip anemones (1 large one that split) and about 7 pom pom xenias. Would like to get rid of them to make room in my tank. The xenias as fairly young, but very healthy. The anemone that split was approximately 6" in diameter when it would open up fully. Tank is in fallow...
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