
  1. L

    Help with customizing 125 tank build

    I’m new to saltwater tanks. A few months back, my girlfriend and I wanted a fish tank so we bought a 37 gallon tank from pet smart. After I bought it, I immediately wanted to make it a saltwater tank. I upgraded to a fluval 307, and all the other goodies. A few weeks ago I went to the fish store...
  2. 80sixx

    Question about my Green Ricordea?

    Can anyone educate me on what this is? When the ricordea opens up and lays out you don’t see the unknown part. But closed up you see it. I have been google searching my fingers off trying to figure out what it is. Unless I’m a idiot and it’s just the bottom of the ricordea. Any help would be...
  3. T

    Hello Saltwater Rookie :)

    Hey all! Name's Tyler and like the title says, I am a saltwater rookie. I've been in the hobby for a few months now but I'm having trouble finding good sources of information. My buddy runs a LFS but his input and views tend to clash with the info that I find online. I'm excited to grow my...
  4. Dcole12


    HI Everyone, Just kind of want to get the next steps or what to expect. My fish tank has been cycling for around a week and a half. I did half live rock and half dry rock. I did the stability ( bacteria ) for the first seven days. I do have this bacteria which I believe is diatoms. And when I...
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