
  1. Max Hill

    Aquariums RO/DI Drygoods Red Sea 170 Deluxe

    Hello. Please see list of available items. Feel free to reach out with any questions. At this time I am still not shipping. I will consider delivery if in Chicago land area.
  2. 4

    Pennsylvania RO/DI Drygoods Aquatic Life smart buddy booster pump

    Aquatic Life Smart Buddy booster pump for RO/DI systems Used for about 12 months. No issues. Really increases RO/DI water output. ships from 17402
  3. AquaFX - Joseph

    Burning through you DI? Here are 6 possible reasons & fixes

    “Why am I burning through my DI?” is a question that we get asked often. Read our latest blog on why this may be happening and how to fix it.
  4. C

    Do you need an RO/DI system for a reef tank?

    I'm relatively new to saltwater keeping and will be planning on getting a saltwater tank soon. I've always used Fritz Complete which gets rid of ammonia, chlorine, nitrite, nitrate, and heavy metals in the water for my freshwater tanks. I've heard that a RO/DI system is used to remove chlorine...
  5. F


    So I just finished my first water change, but I'm about 1.5-2 gallons short of new fresh saltwater. My current salt is reading 1.027 with a refractometer. Can I just add 1.5-2 gallon of RO/DI fresh water to make up the difference or should I mix 2 gallons which is what I'm in the middle of now...
  6. D

    Old RO/DI water, been sitting for 2 weeks.

    So I have some RO/DI water that was made before I needed it but then it was stored in a trash can. It smells odd now so I’m assuming I can’t use it but someone suggested asking if there was a way I could “clean” it. This seems far fetched to me, but I’ll humor them. It would be nice to not have...
  7. F

    Can I fill my new tank with hose water just to test for leaks??

    Hello, I just finished all the plumbing on my new 40 gal reef tank. I wanted to test and make sure there are no leaks and since I'm not ready because I'm still searching for rock, etc.. I wanted to run a test with just water from the hose and then drain it out when done testing. Once all my...
  8. BonelessEvil

    California RO/DI Plumbing Drygoods MOVING, MUST GO – Salt mixing station /w NEW plumbing – NEW PRICE

    I put this system together a while back and was just about to rebuild it with new piping and schedule 80 gate valves, unions and other necessary items. Depending on your intended build, this is a complete system. I do automatic water changes, but I also use a Tunze 8155 for my ATO. Because of...
  9. A

    ammonium readings in filtered RO/DI water, advice?

    Hello everyone, I've been having issues with ammonium readings in fresh made ro/di water lately. I'm using this ro setup from BRS and swapped all the canisters last week, however the problem still persisted. So I upgraded the carbon block to this and took another reading again no change. Here is...
  10. A

    Cleaning RO/DI canisters

    Hi, I’m swapping out my RO/DI filters and noticed the inside of the canisters were very dirty. Seems like carbon residue + dirt. Should I clean them and with what? I tried wiping them off with a paper towel but didn’t really work. Admittedly it’s been a few years since I swapped the filters...
  11. demonbarber09

    RO/DI vs seachem safe

    Hey y’all so I just got into the hobby and recently bought a reverse osmosis. My question is do I also need DI system because my buddy who has tanks told me not to get the DI and just use seachem safe. I’m not sure if should just get DI anyway.
  12. D

    RO filters, how don’t I spend too much?

    My tank, 55 gallon saltwater tank, is holding border safe nitrates. Kinda high but not killing anything yet. We have done water changes and added more rock, but still high nitrates. We finally tested plain tap water and out tap water is about at 15 nitrates. We have started looking at RO/DI...
  13. Z

    Water conditioners and protein skimmers... Can I not use a RO/DI system?

    I've heard API Stress Coat and Seachem Prime aren't really compatible with protein skimmers. What would another option be other than getting a reverse osmosis filter? Are there any other chemicals that remove chlorine and other bad chemicals that won't mess with a protein skimmer?
  14. MarineDepot

    The Puratek Deluxe RO/DI Filter For Your Reef Tank | More Features For Less $$$

    If you're tired of constantly lugging water from your local fish store, check out our newest video that discusses the Puratek Deluxe RO/DI Filter and all of its premium features. You can shop this RO/DI unit and plenty of other options on our website. Our Customer Care Team will also be...
  15. Muffin87

    Chlorine testing and carbon blocks

    Residual chlorine (no chloramines) in the water mains where I live in Italy is between 0,03 and 0,05 ppm. Do I need a very good 1 mcr carbon block, or can I just get a cheap 10 or 5 mcr carbon block and replace it once a year? Is it recommended to test for chlorine after the carbon blocks, or...
  16. Muffin87

    Carbon blocks and chlorine testing

    Residual chlorine (no chloramines, only chlorine and chlorine dioxide) in the water mains where I live in Italy is between 0,03 and 0,05 ppm. Do I need a very good 1 mcr carbon block, or can I just get a cheap 10 or 5 mcr carbon block and replace it once a year? Is it recommended to test for...
  17. H

    EMERGENCY Help on salinity

    Hi i'm new to reef2reef so i dont really know how tags work, but I do have a few questions, the biggest being how ro/di water works. Today I recieved an aquaticlife ro/di, and when I tested the hardness (my tap water is beyond unsafe due to it) in which it came out to 0 for the first time ever...
  18. Bevans27

    South Carolina ATO Powerheads RO/DI Few pieces equipment

    I’ve got a few pieces of equipment for sale. Acquired from a tank breakdown and I don’t need the items. All used about 6 months. icecap ATO - $100 Aqamai KPS wi-if wavemaker w/ original box - $100 AquaticLife 100 GPD RO/DI - $100 - cartridges changed out on 9/6/2020 and only ran about 20...
  19. I

    Ro/di adding a pressure tank faucet

    Hi all, Wanted to add a pressure tank/faucet to my ro/di unit. Right now I have a 3 way ball valve that allows me to switch from one brute container to another. I want to replace the one side/brute container with the tank/faucet. After the 3 way valve going to the tank/faucet side...
  20. EuroDan

    No RO/DI in Europe?

    Hello Reef Friends, As I have been working on my build plan and budget I have discovered that RO/DI systems are not sold in Europe. From my LFS to online sites there are lots of RO systems, but no RO/DI. When I do find them, they are very expensive imports from the US. I looked into some water...
  21. Company101

    Auto water changes

    Hello everyone. I am in the process of setting up a water station in my house for auto top off and mixing water. I sure do wish I had the drawing ability of some of the water closet I have seen. My set is : 1- 6 stage ro/di. With booster pump 2 - two fifty five gallons drums 3 - 2 gallon ro...
  22. PBnJOnWheat

    What is Causing My Cyano?

    Hey guys, I have Cyanobacteria, pretty positive, as it consistently creates mats of algae on my sand bed, rock, and corals. It’s more of a clinging issue to my zoas, urchin, and rocks. It appears red and won’t stop coming back. I have tested my parameters to 0 nitrates, ammonia, phosphates...
  23. Chipper1978

    Rinsing MarcoRocks

    Hello, all! I just finished mortaring the scape for my soon to arrive Waterbox 130.4. On the MarcoRocks website, it says you can rinse under running water. Regretting that I didn’t do the rinse prior to mortaring everything. My question...Can this be done with city tap water if I let it dry for...
  24. Nate_Krohn

    Oily film on surface of RO/DI water

    Over the past two days I’ve noticed a thin and spotty film on the surface of my RO water. Any idea what this is and will it hurt my livestock? I’ve been removing it just by putting a strip of filter pad while mixing water.
  25. Ian Baxter

    California Eshopps sump, Skimmer, UV sterilizer, RO/DI unit

    Let’s start with pick up only. San Diego area. Everything is used. ESHOPPS RS-200. 3rd generation sump with refugium -$260 ESHOPPS PSK-100H HOB protein skimmer - $150 AquaFX Barracuda RO/DI 100gph - $120 Coralife Turbo Twist 3x UV Sterilizer 9 watt (needs new bulb) - $60 Aquarium LED bar...