rock design

  1. Wuffletoast

    New rockwork in older tank

    Due to an outbreak of Ich in my DT I was able to fight and treat the infected fish. This opened up the opportunity for a new look in my tank after the copper was removed. This is my first rockscape attempt. The last set was just five rocks leaning against each other. The fish really liked the...
  2. R

    Aquascape for Mixed reef and fish

    Hi, I am new to Aquariums. Trying to get do Aquascaping for new 72 gallon tank. I am planning for fish, mixed reef an Anemones (eventually). I am attaching video of the rocks I arranged. Please suggest any changes. I have more rock on the side if needed. I Have a Red Sea 350 G2 72 gallon display...
  3. R


    Hi All, My name is Raj, Living in Michigan. New to aquariums. Physician by profession. I am really glad to find this forum. Started exploring aquariums after my daughter asked for a small fish tank. After multiple trips to local fish store, impressed with reef and salt water ecosystems and...
  4. Danielsj

    Too cramped or just right?

    Hello fellow humans i have just setup my very first saltwater tank, and i am worried i may have put in too much rock. I like the way my hardscape looks but i would like to keep a pair of clownfish and some corals later down the line. So i am wondering if my tank has enough open space as it is...
  5. spauldingd40

    Help- Aquascape and Coral Placement/additions

    Hi all! We are now a year into our reef tank, and we are wondering if we should change our aquascape- in order to give corals better placement for growth as well as to add more! We feel as if we may have limited our area due to rock placement. We would love any and all suggestions in regards...
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Kentucky Looking for dry rock

    Looking for some dry rock in north KY. Don’t need much maybe 10 lbs. just enough to make an arch in a 16 Gal led biocube.
  7. CarlRay05

    I would love some feedback on my first aquascape.

    New reefer here and would love some feedback on my first aquascape before I start to mortar. This will be for a for a 60"x24"x21" tank size. I have a 2" + clearance on all sides of tank to the rock. Looking for thoughts on flow around the rock formations and the height for corals. Video and a...
  8. Stephgram

    Aquascape Design

    Silly little video I made about thinking of aquascaping from a design perspective. Expanding on it more and different coral placement techniques in my upcoming content but just wanted to share :) I know my stuff is pretty goofy but hopefully it helps in some way!
Cultivated Reef