rock algae

  1. L

    Algae on Christmas Worm Rock

    Hi there! I’ve had this christmas worm rock for a few weeks and noticed that its recently had an algae (I believe) growing on the top. I think its coralline algae but I’m unsure since I haven’t delved much into algae types. My main question was whether or not I should remove it or leave it. Its...
  2. Cfellini91

    Rookie Mistake was made; I crashed my tank. Seeking advice as I move forward. Help with Damage Control.

    Two weeks ago I made the worst mistake to date when it comes to my nano. I went to dose my iodine (Lugol's) and did 2 drops instead of one. Then I dose double the amount of trace elements. I had planned to do a 20% WC the following morning. It seemed to be too late. My zoas, green stars, lepto...
  3. I

    Brown Algae Outbreak

    I recently started up my tank about 6 weeks ago and have now gotten this algae outbreak out of no where. It’s brown algae across the rocks and also across the sand which has been a nuisance since it’s constantly seems to come back. I also seem to see a weird haze in my tank but only really...
Extreme Corals