ribbon eel

  1. Ribbon eel

    Ribbon eel

    Morning is her favorite time to swim around.
  2. Female ribbon in qt

    Female ribbon in qt

    Almost time to move to dt
  3. Female ribbon eel

    Female ribbon eel

    Looking around
  4. Salinestains

    Hello New to saltwater at home and ribbon eel

    Hey everyone! My names Ann and I worked at a petco for a little while. I've always kept freshwater from bettas to discus to inverts, and when I worked at petco I had to learn saltwater. Now that I feel like I'm ready to adequately take care of a tank in my home setting I've set my sights pretty...
  5. Pilot_rue

    Slinky Blue ribbon eel.

    I love my eel, but this guy has brought me so much stress of the years. how many of you have a problem child of an eel
  6. T

    Hurt ribbon eel tail! Help please!

    We have a ribbon eel and a snowflake eel as well as a foxface rabbitfish, bengai cardinal, pajama cardinal, and a black occelaris clownfish. Someone must have bitten our ribbon eels tail tip and we do not know who did it. But we are concerned if this is going to heal or not. Also shoukd we...
  7. alexytman

    baby ghost ribbon eel

    I raised this baby (it double in size to now maybe almost a foot) I'm wondering whether there will be problems keeping it with an adult ribbon eel. I've seen it in a lot of LPS in my area do that. Also will a dwarf fuzzy go after it?
  8. alexytman

    Ribbon eel nutrition help (update 2)

    After last time, being bombarded with replies about how I shouldn't feed a Molly diet to eel...I knew, I was just being understanding of the difficulty of getting one to eat ANYTHING in captivity. That is why mollies is a live option, it ended up being coral food after the eel pestered it to...
  9. alexytman

    Planning on feeding FW mollies to ribbon eel

    I have just got a ribbon eel and am planning to feed it live food (as it won't eat frozen), I heard mollies lasts very long in salt water, is that true? I'm planning on putting in a dozen so there is more opportunity for it to feed! How long do they last cause I don't want to pickup dead fish...
World Wide Corals