
  1. Trueruby

    Rock flower nem tentacles melting!

    Hi Everyone I got 14 rfa in my 150 g tank recently two of my beauty started to loose tentacles. It is obviously rotting and falling a part. Does anyone ever had something like theese? Please see below pics and tank parameters First I tought they get too salinity 1025 Temperature 24.5C Ca 415...
  2. Trueruby


    Hi I am looking to buy ultra rock flower nems until 10th of April. or does anyone knows lfs in Orlando for rfa? I need 20 pcs and it should be packed for flight.
  3. Musicrocx09

    USA WTB Rock flower anemone

    In search of rock flower anemones for sale
  4. yanni

    How long until add a RFA?

    hey all, I’m currently about to restart my tank, and my LFS has some RFAs I’d love to purchase. I know they’re relatively hardy, and once my tank cycles again I’ll be adding established bio media and some live rock. How long should I wait to add a RFA, will they be okay once my tank cycles, or...
  5. SaltyMermaid86

    Bubble tip attacking rock flower?

    Has anyone dealt with a BTA intentionally going after a rock flower? Both are new and just came today and I placed them far apart enough I thought but the BTS sticks his little arms out as of feeling for something and started heading twd the Rock flower. Mind you this was a hike for the BTA. So...
  6. Rtaylor

    Baby anemone ID

    Just noticed this baby anemone in my nem tank. It was mostly closed with tips of tentacles poking out when I first noticed it. Then of course I messed with it, it completely closed up and it must know I’m trying to get a pic, cuz it hasn’t opened up at all in an hour. It’s currently about the...
  7. Reefer37

    RFA Eating Hammer Coral

    So did a WC last night and my hammer decided to bail out this morning. I've had horrible luck with hammers specifically, but have 4 torches and 3 frogspawns in a 45g tank with no issues that have all been doing great. Anyway, that's a whole other thing. I woke up to find my hammer bailed and...
  8. Reefer37

    Texas WTB Ultra Rock Flower Anemones

    Trying to add to my RFA island. Looking to get 3 or 4 to add to my collection. Send me pics and let me know what you got and how much shipped!
  9. Reefer37

    Rock Flower Decided to Hide

    So went to the LFS yesterday and picked up a gorgeous RFA. Bright red skirt that fades to an orange to a bright yellow and dark green center. Acclimated him and everything went well and placed him in the tank. Well woke up this morning and he decided to move to a crevice and you can barely...
  10. N

    Anemone hitchiker

    there is a rockflower anemone hitchiker in the middle of that frag and I was wondering if there is a way I can get it out without hurting it? Sorry picture is bad this is my first post
  11. Cherry Bomb

    What to feed baby Rock Flower Anemones?

    Hi all! One of my RFAs had babies a few weeks ago. Looking for good feeding ideas. Anyone have any successful tips? I would like to keep them healthy and happy. Currently adding Mini Mysis with Selcon every 3 days and Phyto Feast every 1-2 days. Is there something else I can feed? There must be...
  12. DirtDiggler2823

    Euphylia Near Rock Flower Nems

    Not quite sure where this post should go, but I'm planning out my coral placement, and I've been on the fence on where to put any euphylia corals I pick up. I was wondering if they could be placed near rock flower nems, or if that would end horribly. I understand these corals are second in...
  13. danschoenherr

    Peppermint Shrimp eating my Rock Flowers

    So I noticed one of my rock flowers weas looking a bit "dishevilled" and was moving around a bit. Then, I wasn't able to locate it, which didn't really concern me as there are a lot of hiding places. But one night near lights out, I noticed the 2 Peppermint Shrimp that I have prowling about the...
  14. N

    Rfa pictures

    Hey everyone can I see your Rock flower anemones. One of my tanks is mainly RFAs. My favorite in the hobby. Would love to see yours and where you get them from. I’ll post mine. Some are older pictures before I moved coral around to a different tank.
  15. N

    Removing rock anemones

    So I want to transfer my rock anemones to a new system how would I go about getting the RFA to release the foot from the rock. Thanks in advance!!
  16. Dalton Hunter

    My RFA finally spawned!

    Came home tonight from the beach and got to catch this!
  17. Dalton Hunter

    Just curious

    Just curious if anyone has or knows someone that has cut a Rock Flower Anemone and what the outcome was.