
  1. mkereefer

    Restarting the 30

    Recently had a bad algae outbreak in my 30 gal so tore it all down and took everything out. Today I put the fish back in as with the new sand and rocks. Let me know how yall like it. Also got all the coral in the QT at the moment.
  2. Ancarol2421

    Restarting a Crashed Tank

    Hi friends, Long story short, my tank crashed on Friday (3 days ago) - unknown cause, suspect heat swing or water chemistry issue. I noticed something was amiss because a few corals were dead along with all my inverts. I was able to evacuate the survivors into a small sump I had laying around...
  3. MareR

    55 Gallon Reef tank crashed...when to restart?

    Hello hello. I just got into the hobby after moving to a new place that would have the space for a 55 gallon tank. I figured going BIG but not TOO big would be a good way to start. Everything was going good for the last 5 months-had a lovely torch coral that was doing fantastic, a hammer that...