
  1. Lago

    Hippo Tang Aggression Research Survey

    Please note: I would like to hear what your hippo tang in specific has done and would like to avoid what any other tangs have done in your tank, thank you for your participation. Hello all, I'm currently an undergrad student trying to conduct independent research on tang aggression. More...
  2. Dennis Cartier

    Super Saturated Small Media Bed Reactor Theory

    This thread is to study the effects of operating a super saturated small media bed CaRx (S3MBR) using the super saturation of CO2. The premise is that a S3MBR should be able to to achieve performance equal to, or exceed the performance of traditional larger CaRx reactors that rely on media...
  3. B

    Zoanthid and Palythoa study

    Hello! I am currently a graduate student studying machine learning and data science. Before I returned to school I worked as a biochemist in R&D for a renewable fuels company that studied water quality and oil quality. I (like everyone else here) am an amateur aquarist. Over the past few...
  4. Casual_reefkeeping

    Indo Pacific Furry Lobster research

    So I went to my LFS, saw this neat orange lobster, asked about it. Store said it was a slipper lobster, care requirements sounded doable for us, so we purchased. After getting it home and doing further research, I finally saw a picture of a slipper lobster, and this obviously isn't one. After a...
  5. K

    Minnesota Novel parasites for researchers to study who are able to meet in person

    I have in my possession what I believe to be novel parasitic isopods from the Floridian Aquaculture supply chain. There is a 10 gallon tank that contains crushed coral substrate, a Thalassia testudinum, and some decorations that I have duct taped sealed and a 2.5 gallon tank that contains a...
  6. J

    My Bachelor Thesis is based on creating a self-regulating Aquarium. Can you guys help me brainstorm a plan?

    Hey guys, I really need your help. I am a mechanical engineer tasked with designing and configuring a self-regulating Saltwater Aquarium but unfortunately I know nothing about aquariums (Well, not true, ive been reading up a bit, but id still consider myself completely ignorant on the subject)...
  7. Lizzybxi


    Im 18 and still live at home right now. I use the bathroom to do water changes but the RODI system is too big to store in the bathroom. I wanted to set it up in the garage. Do i need to make new fresh water everytime i do a water change or can i make it ahead of time and store it in jugs. Sorry...
  8. Z

    Eel suggestions

    Hello I am having trouble deciding on what eel I want to get for my 90 gallon, and I was looking for any suggestions on what types of eels are out there. I like researching the different types of fish/eels and would like to know more about all the different eels out there. I am open to any...
  9. alexytman

    Why protein skimmers work better in saltwater?

    I wanted to write something about this topic but cannot find why salinity makes foam fractionation of protein sufactants better. Why does foam in skimmer form better in saltwater? can someone give me a research paper on this matter?
  10. Helfish

    Help me understand why you love reefing (grad school project)

    Hi all! I am working on my Master’s in Service Design and currently doing research about customer behavior for a Finnish entrepreneur who is in the reefing retail and service business. Our team's aim is to better understand the hobbyist and the reasons why you have started reefing...
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