

    Merry Christmas to me.

    Hello and merry christmas! I wanted to share my project over the last few days. No one in my personal life cares about it so I was hoping I could show off my hardwork to some people that might appreciate it. Haha. About 6 years ago I decided to add a tank to an old exterior window before the...
  2. N

    corner glass damage

    Hi all, I just started my new adventure with nano reef hobby and looks like didn't started well. I have this tank with a damage on the bottom corner. what do you thing, is it possible to repair it ? it is a 20-25 gallon tank Thanks in advance.
  3. P-Dub

    Seam Failure! Dodging a bullet.

    So, it is bound to happen to all of us, eventually, if you have an old tank in operation. This happened on my old LeeMars 125 gallon that I have had for many many years. Acquired new bout 20 years ago or so to be sort of exact. This happened the day after I returned from a 10-day absence while...
  4. Maxichka

    Need help with protein skimmer Aerofoamer 1612

    I got protein skimmer Reef Concepts Aerofoamer 1612. I was washing it and accidentally lost the O rings when dumping water into sewage. do you by any chance what is dimension for the O-rings ? I am sure I can get them on Amazon.
  5. Elbereth

    Who here has polished glass with cerium oxide? Please advise!

    I'm planning to polish my hazy aquarium glass with cerium oxide. Looked at the glass polishing kits on Amazon but most of them seem to come with wool pads which I've read can be too aggressive and would need to be followed by a softer material, like the cloth buffing wheel mentioned in this...
  6. MadeForThat

    Fixing an EB832 with non-functional outlets but does have functional indicator lights

    CAUTION- I am not liable for any damages to your person or property. This is offered as a possible solution to an electrical problem, and with this territory comes risk to your health and property that may not be directly mentioned. You should only attempt this repair if you are sure of your own...
  7. BonelessEvil

    Seam in class losing integrity

    So far, no water has leaked out. Red Sea has given me a new tank in exchange, but I would still like to think I can keep this one running. Is it okay to squirt silicone into the seam – while inside the water? Will that kill the corals or fish? If I should do something else, what would you...
  8. DirtDiggler2823

    Skimmer repair

    I have a local reefer with a SRO-2000int that I am interested in, but the pipe that goes from the skimmer body to the pump is busted. Has anyone repaired something like that before, and what parts did you use?
  9. Jimmyneptune

    repair coral viewer

    I have a sea side aquatics coral viewer that has a slow leak. the viewer starts to fill up with water over 15-30 minutes when floating on the water. What can I use to repair the coral viewer?
  10. M

    Need Help. I was given an old 150 gallon tank that needs a panel replaced. I got the glass but need some help.

    So I have this nice 150 gallon tank but the glass has a big chip in the corner. I was able to get a new piece of glass the exact size and I am planning to switch the panels out (the big side panel). ive never changed aquarium glass before let alone a massive one like this. Is there anything I...
  11. Biokabe

    What to do with an old broken tank?

    A couple weeks ago, my tank started leaking from the bottom seam, kicking off a lovely two weeks from hell. That's another story, but now the old tank is sitting on my back patio, taking up space. So what do you do with the tank after it's no longer functional? Attempt to repair and sell it...
  12. Wilsonfeliz

    Hydra LEDs replace / upgrade

    Hi folks! I picked up two old AI Hydra 1st Gen recently for cheap because Royal Blue channel doesnt work, so I decided to find out if I could repair it. After several tests, find that the problem is the burned out LED, so I have to replace them. I will need some XT-E Royal Blue LEDs, where...
  13. DarkSky

    (Acrylic) Fill in gash in acrylic sheet?

    I recently purchased a used 220 gallon acrylic aquarium, I've been spending a few weeks cleaning/sanding/buffing it to bring it back to looking crystal clear, the only issue is there are two 1" gashes near the back of the tank, they're about an 1/8" deep at the deepest, so they're too deep to...
  14. Nfd552

    Ecotech Radion xr30 repair

    i have to send in one of my Radions for repair. I bought two of them off eBay, one is fine, other isn’t working. I opened it up and can see that there is a problem with the motherboard. Anyone know what Ecotech will charge to replace this?
  15. Jakewatt

    Hello from France, rookie here in a sticky situation...

    Hello fellow reefers! I’m scottish. I live in the south of France. As i’ve been spending more & more time on R2R, i finally decided to open an account. Good forums in France seem to be pretty scarce and you guys in the States seem to be at least 10 years ahead concerning reef aquariums, gear &...
  16. AmatuerAuer

    Broken MP40??

    I have two Ecotech MP40s on my 120g DT facing each other. Last week, I came home and one of them was big deal happens all the time. The wet side slides off and falls to the substrate and the dry side stays on the glass. Well, I placed the wetside back where it belongs and...
  17. Denisk

    Brand new 150 gallon seam

    So I have a brand new 150 gallon Sc aquarium. I received this tank and it looks great. Before I add water, I noticed a seam on the back that had a 4 inch bubble. However it's not between structural seam of the two panels of glass. Those seams are perfect but it's the lining of the silicone...
  18. Aquateer

    Iso 155 gallon bowfront top frame. Bottom as well

    Hey everyone im doing a re seal on my 155 gallon bow front just as i was getting the last 1ft and a half of my top frame and it busted right on the corner. I will be removing the bottom as well. So i am willing to purchase a set. If anyone has some possible leads or something please point me in...
  19. Aquateer

    Bowfront assembly?

    Hey everyone. I have been trying to find information on assembling a 155 gallon bowfront aquarium. I was just going to do a re seal on it but there are a few spots that dont look too great in my opinon. So I was curious if there are articles that anyone knows of or has experience with taking one...