refugium design

  1. L

    Seperate refugium tank above sump, below display tank?

    I'm doing research ahead of time before buying and setting up my first saltwater tank. It will be FOWLR, with the exception of possibly an anemone down the road at some point if/when I'm confident I can take care of one properly. The display tank will be in the range of 20-30 gallons and the...
  2. airvicconcre

    Sump design

    hello all. I'm planning to convert my 6ft 140gallon freshwater discus tank to a FOWLR. I will make a 5FT sump under it. please give me advise and suggestions on sump designs. I want to make a refugium attached. thanks
  3. S

    Wanting to build a refugium in my red sea reefer 350 v3 sump. Need advice

    Hey I am wanting to use a section of my Redsea reefer 350 v3 sump for some chato to help in nutrient control as I don't wish to use Nopox and id like to try the more natural approach i can see with my eyes. Unfortunately the 350's sump all be it spacious gets cramped once you have; heaters...