
  1. Cantankerous

    Led hacking help for robotank

    Hi folks. Looking at trying to control an array of 6 xr15 knockoffs, actual brand name was 'intelligent ocean r80. Hoping to do so via pwm from my brand new robotank boards, (printing cases as I type!) I'm from a software background, tiny bit of electronics knowledge but a lot to learn...
  2. B

    Supported Smart sockets for Reef-pi in the UK

    Hi guys Is there a list of which smart plugs are supported by the Reef-pi? So far the ones Ive seen mentioned either dont run in 240V and/or just are not a brand available in the UK. Of the ones Ive found mentioned;- - The kasa TPLINK ones I can get but are 110V so no good for me in the UK. -...
  3. S

    Sral's Aquarium and Reef-Pi Build

    The current status can now be found on GitHub You will find an overview of the current status and discussions with links. Also includes comprehensive Links to Sources/Guides, Schematics and Pictures reporting on the progress. I will post progress reports and pictures here as well.
  4. S

    Sral's Aquarium and Reef Pi Build

    We got my parents old aquarium to give junior a bit of usefull cinema and I get to implement it. I therefore get to play around with technology (especially Reef-Pi) as much as I like ^^ Thought I'd share the project with you and get some usefull input.
  5. T

    combining a aquarium, terrarium and reef pi.

    since a few weeks im building my own aquarium terrarium. im also using reef pi to control things like humidity and temperature. ill use this thread to keep track of my progress
  6. T

    reef pi sensors wont show

    since a few days im building my own reef pi build for my aquarium + vivarium. everything works fine but I can't get the sensors to show up on the temperature tab. I checked if they show up by typing pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/ and the respons shows 2 sensors and the usual bus...
  7. P

    My reef pi build and errors (help needed)

    Hello, I would like to share my build and problems with reef-pi, hoping that someone can help me solving. First of all i will explain my setup : Raspberry pi 3 B+ running every function i need on reef pi. I have been trying using many function over the years but the basics I always used is Power...
  8. MaddyP

    Kasa Smart Power Strip - On Sale!

    For anyone interested in using the Kasa smart power strips for their reef, Amzn has them on sale 30% off!
  9. JeremyKnight

    Jeremys Reef PI Build

    Hey guys I have been stumbling along with this build and have come to a place where I need some advice. I have added the temp probe but the updated UI page is different than the original guide. What do the additional features mean? Or can you point me to a post with the updated information? and...
  10. Rogued_Reefer

    Robo-Tank Reef Pi Based DIY Controller Build Thread

    Hey There Reefers!! I’m making this thread with multiple purposes. The first purpose of this thread is for me to document the evolution of my diy controller, the second purpose is to bring awareness to all the fellow DIYers out there about this awesome product, and third because I think...
  11. T

    Dual DC Return Pump - Manifold Design Feedback

    Hello Reef2Reef community, This is my first post so please give feedback/forgive my mistakes! I will be posting a build guide in a couple months but I have started to plan out my 93 gallon cube build. I am a computer engineer so I plan to make this a very technical build but I will...
  12. M

    ReefPi: Trying to figure out marsaqua light dimming

    ive combed through threads for hours and im still unsure if the i need to a dac or a special board to dim my mars aqua lights. Im ok with them not turning off completely when dimming and using a outlet to turn them off. its how i have my current reefkeeper setup and i like knowing that they are...
  13. A

    My first ReefPi build questions

    Hello to all you ReefPi builders out there. I am starting my first build and have a few questions that I can't seem to find answers to. Wondering if you can help me out? First, this is actually for a fresh-water planted tank. My goals for this build are the following(ranking is importance to...
  14. Iranian45

    Home Assistant integration

    Hi All, I am trying to integrate my reef-pi into my new home assistant setup. I only use it currently for turning on/off lights and pumps. can someone help me get this added? I have seen this but am unsure of what to put in the body_on: body_off: and...
  15. Devaji

    Wyoming NEW reef PI controller

    Hey all I have this amazing raspery pi controller for the right techie out there. I bought it from a cool company that was trying to bring open source controllers to the market. But not being very tech savvy and new to controllers I never used it. Comes with: head unit 2X temp probes reef...
Cultivated Reef